The Prankcast: Polygamy Edition

Ashley Bedosky, Lisa Kelly, Dr. Pam Wright, and Trisha Kennedy Roman Season 4 Episode 1

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Enjoy a hilarious prank Lisa and Trisha played on co-hosts Ashley and Dr. Pam as we invite a "polygamist" to join the conversation! As we lean into the humor, we also delve into relationships and their many dynamics within the framework of middle age. 

  • Hosts pull a prank on their unsuspecting friends 
  • Discussion on the emotional dynamics of alternative lifestyles 
  • Insight into how relationships evolve over time 
  • Hear the male point of view of being middle-age
  • Get some valuable insight on the outlook of the housing market and financial tips by Mortgage Loan Originator David Monsour AKA Mr. Trevor for our prank! 

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Speaker 1:

Hey everyone, welcome to our live. It's Trisha, and before we get started, I need you to do me a favor Don't give anything away in the comments. Here's the deal. Ashley and Pam's mics are currently muted and they have no idea. Meanwhile, lisa and I have them fully convinced that today's episode is all about polygamy and that our guest is a real-life polygamist. Spoiler alert he's not. He's actually just a hilarious friend of Lisa and mine who's in on the joke and being a really good sport about it. But right now, ashley and Pam are freaking out trying to figure out how to navigate the wildest podcast episode of their lives. So we're going to let them sweat it out for a few minutes before we let them in on the prank, and then we'll roll into an absolutely super fun show. Stay with us. It's going to be a good one. Not about polygamy, and remember no, stay with us. It's going to be a good one. Not about polygamy, and remember no spoilers in the comments.

Speaker 2:

Just sit back and enjoy the prank, welcome to the Middle Age-ish podcast, authentically and unapologetically, keeping it real, discussing all things Middle Age-ish, a time when metabolism slows and confidence grows. Join fashion and fitness entrepreneur Ashley Bonosky, former Celtic woman and founder of the Lisa Kelly Voice Academy. Lisa Kelly, licensed psychologist and mental health expert, dr Pam Wright and highly sought after cosmetic injector and board certified nurse practitioner, tricia Kennedy Roman.

Speaker 1:

Join your hosts on the journey of middle age-ish, my co-host Ashley Badowski, Lisa Kelly and Dr Pam Wright, and we have a special guest with us, Mr Trevor, and this is this is a welcome Welcome.

Speaker 4:

Thank you, so this is a different podcast.

Speaker 1:

It's one that we've we've talked about possibly having and just trying to understand alternate lifestyles and um, specificallyamy, yep, and so I'm gonna let ashley start this out.

Speaker 3:

To be fair, I was warned, we did not know. We're the only two that did not know anything about today. Um, we did not know yes and so here we are. Here we are, um lots of questions, okay, so I'll just start out. How, how did this come about? Like, how did you that this is the lifestyle that you chose? And like what is that path like?

Speaker 4:

you could probably imagine the answer to that. It starts with just a very free lifestyle, right. Much younger age, okay, enjoy the company of other women, right? Uh, at the same time, a lot of times, right, and you find women that share that joy and and you just kind of it evolves right, have feelings for multiple people and if everyone's in agreement, that everyone's okay with the relationship then I don't really see the problem.

Speaker 1:

Do you have a favorite?

Speaker 3:

Oh my, I don't think you can answer that.

Speaker 4:

You jumped into that I can, because it actually they all have different reasons, right Like we with all our kids, we have different reasons why we love all of our kids.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 4:

So there's different things that I go to each person for Right, right.

Speaker 3:

So there's different things that I go to each person for Right. So, without giving too much information, can you just share with everyone, like what the situation is? Is there marriage Is there? Like all those things?

Speaker 4:

Yes, so there are six wives, if you will, okay, but because of the laws there's only one, okay.

Speaker 1:

So you are married to— Because you got rid of— what you did have seven right and yes okay, oh, okay, okay.

Speaker 3:

So there's six. So there's one, there's one that you're married to, correct, and then there's five others.

Speaker 4:

All right, okay, yes and no one knows which one is legal. Really, because of the strife, I filed that personally without them knowing we all did the paperwork, but then I submitted the one.

Speaker 3:

That makes a lot of sense. Interesting, that actually is very smart. Is that weird, though, that they don't know? No, because sometimes I forget. Actually, really, it wasn't by prayer, it was just one of those things. Yeah, is it like a will where you can change it?

Speaker 4:

Yes, oh, oh. Well, that other person would have to erase it.

Speaker 3:

Oh gotcha, how long have you like, how long has this all of the relationships been? 17 years, really Okay. 17. Right, right, like, okay, right right, like 17 years ago was that kind of that would have been where. I know. Now, like you know, you have sister wives and you have all the reality shows that show a ligamy lifestyle, but like 17 years ago was that. I mean, it was different, but you don't. And georgia, yeah, I was like hi, yes, you live in georgia. This is, this is different.

Speaker 4:

And it wasn't planned and so it just kind of happened. It evolved and it started as something fun and innocent and it just turned into what it is and now everyone enjoys it and it actually works pretty well.

Speaker 3:

Okay, okay, so I have time. Okay, no, I know. Okay. So, as a psychologist, women tend to have jealousy or be jealous, yes, very emotional. So how does that work? Or how do you deal with that in all the relationships?

Speaker 4:

It's they take their time to. Some people have, I hate to say it, time out demeaning. Sometimes someone has to take a time out and step aside when they're feeling that way. Everyone entered this under the same premise and right what they're getting into, um, and they're actually friends for the most part. This shared workload and I understand how it's odd, but it I feel I need a wife life, yeah, yeah the shared workload.

Speaker 1:

So do you ever like confuse names? Because it's everything's gonna be hard to contract.

Speaker 4:

Uh, the same as you would with your kids, because it does happen, but I think usually it's not in the heat of passion or anything like that.

Speaker 3:

So you said you go to different ones, for different needs, I guess, or for different things. So what kind of things are you looking for? One's more compassionate, one's more emotional, one's more?

Speaker 4:

one that is just stern and just wants the house has to be in order and everything's clean and perfect, and I know that I just want to relax and be lazy.

Speaker 3:

That can't be who I'm right, that's not the person for that day, right? Yeah, that's not.

Speaker 4:

If I'm gonna go for a, hike, then I know this person's out towards you and they're not gonna mind if their shoes be dirt oh wow.

Speaker 3:

So so you, you met your first wife and then. So when you met your second and third, like was so when you like? Did they already know that that's kind of the same, we were kind of all at the same time. Oh okay, I kind of developed as just a little relationship and we decided that this is how okay, we wanted to, we wanted to be cause I was like how do you bring up that subject? Like hey, I really.

Speaker 3:

but I like this friend, so they were all friends. The three of them were friends, or?

Speaker 4:

As friendly as you could be, I believe I mean they weren't friends before. Oh, okay, more like I'm open to inviting someone in if you want. Right, then it became emotional.

Speaker 3:

So kind of like you're dating all three, kind of, and then they kind of became friends. So then after those three, like how did you like meet then the next one and bring that one into the family, or like how do you like, how do you have that conversation? Or is it just? You know that these people are very open with their feelings and all of that, so it's both Okay.

Speaker 4:

It's both because they mention it, because they think they find somebody that they like Right, because they're open, right, as you imagine as well. And sometimes I go hey, I met somebody, are y'all interested, yes or no? And it's respectful If they say no, it's no.

Speaker 3:

So when you go out into the world and you meet people, do you say you're single?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

It's about being married.

Speaker 4:

Yes, but that's not the conversations I have in the places.

Speaker 3:

Oh, sorry, so it's not like you know. You know the legume bar. You don't go to Alphabies and like belly up to the bar and be like hey.

Speaker 4:

Well, if I just meet somebody. Yeah, right, right, oh, yeah, I'm married but I don't die Right and you can feel.

Speaker 3:

You can feel that you tell about the conversation with me oh, like you're good right, like you can tell their energy is okay, like you probably know, if he's so, can they? So can they date other males? No?

Speaker 4:

no, no, why? Because we're married just as you are and it feels a little bit of an imbalance, but it's still an agreement.

Speaker 3:

Yeah yeah, right, it's legal, right, it's still an agreement, right? And do you guys live in the same house? Or is there because some of you know, we've talked about the shows where they, like some wives, have separate houses and then their families and their kids or their kids or whatever Do you guys all?

Speaker 4:

One does not and one just moved out but is still in the relationship. Okay, right, okay.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so speaking of, are there kids?

Speaker 4:

There are.

Speaker 3:

There are. I would think there would be a lot of them. Are there? How many kids? Eight, Eight and all with different, are they? Do they all have? Are all six mothers? No Two do not have kids?

Speaker 4:

Okay, and the rest different are they? Did they all have? Are all six mothers? Some expense? No two did I have okay okay, so how old?

Speaker 3:

how old are they? What's the oldest and the youngest child?

Speaker 4:

I've got a 17 and I think 11 is yep and wow so some that are really close.

Speaker 3:

So how are their, how's their relationship with each other? Like, do they call themselves siblings at school? Like, do they go to the same thing? Is it hard being I mean, we're in the, we're in the deep south like, how is that with their it's friends?

Speaker 4:

and I'm just trying to keep a little bit of a private, yeah, but today they don't have friends over, they don't spend the night. We kind of go to school.

Speaker 3:

We come home and and enough people to play, but they call themselves siblings pretty much, or yeah, at school, and they're at the same schools usually.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, okay, okay so I just said here from sister-in-law that a local applebee's was a place for local swingers meetup.

Speaker 3:

So maybe applebee's and who did that? Okay, I'm just gonna say it on the record. I did not know that, but swinging is yeah, yeah, yeah yeah, you brought up a good point. Swinging is different from yes, we're not going out, just be a mystery, right, right.

Speaker 1:

So what if? What ash said like yeah, so of course you want to ask me, say that, say you were approached right, met him and he says what was your response? Like well, I think, forget your husband, that you have a husband. If you didn't have a husband, and how would you?

Speaker 3:

because you're being very like understanding, well, I mean, I'm so excited I'm not cursing, I'm not cursing I. But I've always also said that I don't share. I've never shared Like I. Just I know my personality and I, because maybe you- haven't been with the right man.

Speaker 3:

Um, michael, I did not say that right, no, but I will say this with complete certainty like I I know I'm a pisces, so I'm incredibly emotional. I like I do get really invested and I just I couldn't share something personal and private that I think a marriage, and again, it's nothing wrong, it's just that's who I am. And so, um, I mean, I don't, I don't even think that I would be approached. I think maybe my energy is like, I don't know, but I guess I wonder about you. Know, for you does the jealousy kind of like rear its head where there's, you know, tension, and like people are upset and angry or don't want to talk to each other. Women are brutal, yeah, like on the festive days, like me sometimes it's.

Speaker 4:

There's just too much jealousy and sometimes I have to put them in.

Speaker 3:

You know I have to time out like, yeah, they have to go to time out. No, that's valid. So what does time out look like?

Speaker 4:

I just they know to leave for whatever time they need. Sometimes they'll go out of town, sometimes it's just an hour or dinner until they kind of get it together.

Speaker 3:

Okay, so you said that sometimes you get jealous.

Speaker 4:

Sometimes they'll be very friendly.

Speaker 3:

Oh, then I'll be like, okay, so if they get jealous, then you're kind of like take time. Do you ever put yourself in time out? Oh yeah, I mean, I was just wondering. That's usually where we find someone new. Oh Okay, so have you thought about? Is there a number?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, like enough is enough, or you're just open to like it's like eight is enough.

Speaker 4:

Isn't that a number?

Speaker 3:

of puppies, like eight is enough.

Speaker 4:

No, it's, there's no number. I would probably like it to maybe dwindle a little bit, but there's no one I would Like.

Speaker 3:

want to like separate.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, separate. So we're talking about sharing and, ashley, you say I don't share. I don't, I'm sorry, I need to share.

Speaker 3:

Oh, before you share that, wait, what? Oh, my Wait, hold on, where are we? What are we doing? I feel like you and getting married. How do you have?

Speaker 4:

oh, that's a good question. Um, do you have to take the blue? I'm gonna say, do you have to? Oh, um, is that an advertising plot? Yeah, I'm sure they like that, um, but it's, it's more of an emotional, okay okay, wow, but there are they all very different? Yes, okay, yes, in different ways. Right the same in a lot of ways, but very different in some ways.

Speaker 3:

Okay, we're going to say you're ready, you're going to do something for me to have some type of proud of you, ashley.

Speaker 1:

Why I'm very, very proud of you. I haven't cursed Well that I've not done one time.

Speaker 1:

I know, I told you, I was going to be on my behavior. Pam listens to everything, right? So before the show started, when you couldn't hear anything, right, our audience was getting a little plug, letting him know that we were pulling a little prank on you. Mr Trevor is not Mr Trevor, nor is he a polygamist. So I'm going to now do our actual. But he shouldn't be an actor and if anyone's watching this, the Oscar goes to the actual box. What did I tell you? I literally text both of them, but I said I could tell you actually the exact words, one of the actual. So. So now we're gonna do a proper introduction I'm so mortified.

Speaker 3:

You have to know something is this just no, I know nothing I know I'm in the dark. This is Let me have a proper introduction. Oh my gosh, I'm going to. Somebody's going to. Someone's going to die.

Speaker 1:

That's not true, I thought, but I'm proud of you, ashley, you are. I told you what about me? You threw me under the bus.

Speaker 3:

You're a psychologist, you're everything I told you because I had valid questions. Oh, this is. This isn't what the fuck you better just.

Speaker 1:

Oh my gosh. So everyone watching heard the intro Revenge.

Speaker 3:

We are getting revenge at some point Now.

Speaker 1:

I really need to introduce. So, ladies, and gentlemen listening. Thank you for participating. This was super fun. This is David Monsoor, a friend of Lisa and I. He's actually. He's not a polygamist, he's a middle-aged man, he's a dad, he's a mortgage loan originator. Yes, so he doesn't know about multiple wives, but he does know about loans. That's a great show and literally he needs to be an actor. I'm like, seriously.

Speaker 3:

Like, what the hell? It's too late to nominate. I am like, oh, that was hysterical. I was so afraid you recognized him. Yeah, when you came in I was like, oh, pam knows him.

Speaker 1:

Why would I know you? He lives here. He doesn't live. We named the town because we knew if it was actually here, everyone would know he messed it up. I'm just going to leave the building at this point and everyone's locked out.

Speaker 3:

What's going on? I kind of want to keep talking about the. Can we just keep that going? Let's just talk about how you pleasure those women. Is that coming your way? Now that we know we're about to make you blush, Imagine my ex is going to be like how does he know so much?

Speaker 4:

It was funny.

Speaker 1:

Earlier today he chatted GPT and screenshot where he was asking to get research on how to be a polygamist.

Speaker 3:

Oh my God, you and I are going to get revenge somehow.

Speaker 1:

I don't know how, but it's coming, but I am so proud of Ashley.

Speaker 3:

What about me?

Speaker 1:

You're a psychologist, You're everything You're married to, like their wife.

Speaker 3:

I was trying to trigger y'all.

Speaker 4:

We were tenors.

Speaker 3:

That's the husband. No, I have to tell you, pam and I were talking. That's the whole thing. We were texting each other. It has to be a swinger or it has to be someone with multiple wives.

Speaker 2:

It's got to be something that's going to be.

Speaker 3:

I don't want to insult anybody, but I have some questions.

Speaker 1:

He did have a pineapple shirt he was going to wear, but then Lisa thought this looked more like Trevor-ish. She named him. Did you hear me call him David?

Speaker 3:

by the way, I did hear that, but I was like, well, that's odd, because that's not her husband's name either. Oh, there we go, all right. So Beth was actually her blood was boiling. Beth didn't hear at the start of this. I had to text her halfway through go, no, no, no, stop, oh my gosh okay, so now let's jump into the show. That was a breeze okay, so what are we going to talk about now? I'm told that was kind of interesting, though, like I think I have more questions.

Speaker 1:

I actually go back to Trevor Trevor again yeah, can we just continue on? We'll drink a little more, I'm sorry trevor well usually and I will like look at each other. It's like I kept looking at her in front of me, key. We were surprised in case. I laughed, because there's so many times like the best part was introducing him or meeting him, shaking his hand as Trevor. That was awesome.

Speaker 3:

That was so funny. Total bullshit yeah.

Speaker 1:

Oh wow, we've had fun, you guys, we've had fun all week, all week.

Speaker 3:

No, no, no, it's been torture. They kept torturing us all week, oh, no, but with this whole like oh, someone's coming, you don't know who it's going to be, in the dark, like you are, oh yeah, yes, yes, I was like, oh, wow, what's good. Like we were texting what's going on, what are we in for? I was like do you have any idea?

Speaker 1:

And then we're like I can really bring on anything. Now I realize with Ashley I will behave myself.

Speaker 3:

You handled it. I handle it like myself. I do not insult anybody sitting in front of me. See, really, I mean, I wasn't really there, so I don't know I get a gold star. I get a gold star. See, that was my entire goal. I'm like I have questions and I'm not going to be offensive, Okay.

Speaker 1:

Yes, well, I think we should get input on a male's perspective of middle age.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, come on, I think younger than you are. Well, yeah, we can tell age we already are. Oh my God, I'm still the oldest. What the hell, trisha, can you please bring someone on that's older than me? Oh sorry, okay, yeah, so tell us about being middle ages of one. It's weird.

Speaker 4:

I think y'all experience this, except for my body and not being able to basketball anymore, right.

Speaker 3:

We totally got it. Yeah, I don't feel 51. I, I know that's the hard part because you don't I do.

Speaker 4:

Um, I hate to say cvn, that sounds morbid, but I do see that life isn't forever anymore. Right, like I do. I know that. Like, yeah, okay, I've got, hopefully, 30 great years. I actually counted hikes. We usually go on one big hike a year and I was thinking, okay, I'm 51. I really only got 10 or 15 max.

Speaker 3:

That's impressive. I'm still going to call in Trevor, sorry, I'm going to see you out and about and be like hey, trev, my wife. I wonder, if you had multiple wives, if you would feel younger? I would, you would have to feel older, because I mean, think about the energy that you have to put out. I do not mean that as a pun, thank you, no pun intended but the energy that you have to put out.

Speaker 4:

Wow, so stay-at-home dad too.

Speaker 3:

Y'all didn't even ask all that. Oh no, we're good, we were rubbing up, that we were. Oh, we were rubbing up and we were ready. Oh yeah, that was coming. That was coming. You know, everybody was comfortable. It's weird that we're disappointed that like we didn't, I love you I know, absolutely Absolutely, that's hilarious.

Speaker 3:

I really did have so many questions. Let's just get back to our 10. No, I'm just kidding, but it is interesting to know that. I mean, do men worry about the same? You know like physical attributes, energy being able to. You know exercise do things, cognitive skills being sharp, all that.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, cognitive, I feel 100%. I dye my hair about once every six months.

Speaker 3:

Yes, Well, it actually looks very natural, it does.

Speaker 4:

This, I think, is actually growing out. Well, it's good, I'm mostly not needing dyeing, right, right.

Speaker 3:

Besides that, I don't do any Right. I know, guys age so gracefully anyway, which I feel like it's just, I feel like it's easier for you.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, style is huge too. Yeah, we all dress like 35-year-olds.

Speaker 3:

I think makes us look a little younger. Well, that's how we feel.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I mean seriously, like I Think about look at old TV shows and think about how our parents dressed when they were 45.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I know Old 65. Now they did. I heard it's a tall socks thing, Golden girls like we're on. This one was 45 when they shot. Oh wow, Like what is scary.

Speaker 1:

It is terrifying, I know, but it's all feel like you were just in high school, like, do you feel like that?

Speaker 3:

And I have my literally my 35th high school reunion coming up in.

Speaker 1:

August my son is. I look at my kids and I'm like gosh, I was just there, like I don.

Speaker 3:

my son is elegant and my kids and I'm like gosh, I was just there like I'm gonna be a mom, it's I know. But see, I I feel like, I feel like a good 35, like that's you know. But I do remember high school vividly, love it, so fun.

Speaker 4:

But yeah, 35 like I look back at covid oh, it was four years ago and I'm like that was like it was yesterday doesn't it feel like it was yesterday, but yet 55 years ago?

Speaker 3:

Because it was so bizarre and you're like how did we actually? It lasted for two years. We're actually just now getting out of it. How did that affect you?

Speaker 4:

I thought it was the best thing in the world. I went through COVID every five years. Why? Because I didn't know that it was sunny in the spring and the temperature was so perfect. Because I yeah, because you were.

Speaker 4:

I'm in work, I'm working all the time and I come home and it's already dark because it's still in that time and at that time you know I was home and you know I helped kids with the homework and and the doors were open the whole time. Yeah and well, because it was the best time did it change anything?

Speaker 3:

for, like now, like, have you slowed down? And he's like, no, I do go to the beach more in the spring. Okay, how it's been. More in the spring is the best. Spring in october, yeah, less crowds as soon as, yes, well, also, when the humidity yeah, when the humidity stops like it breaks, yeah, spring and late fall, the beach is amazing, I do think. I think, covid, for a lot of people like it was either the best time or the worst. Like you either came together as a family, a couple, whatever, or it showed all the crap. Well, for me we're together, yeah, 20, but for me business was like crazy high, but for you it probably, probably, really it was slow for two months and then the Fed lowered interest rates.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, oh, yeah, that's right, we'll want to fake our heads.

Speaker 2:

That's true.

Speaker 3:

We need a guest house and a guest guest house Speaking of yeah, speaking of what's going on now, housing market and things, because I hear a lot of different mixed things from my clients. 21st yeah, speaking of what's going on now, like housing market, things, like cause I hear a lot of different mixed things with my clients.

Speaker 1:

He's like the wizard on interest right.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, follow me on Instagram.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, seriously Not, mr Trevor, not Trevor no.

Speaker 4:

So I think what we're going to experience is a normal housing market, and I don't think anyone is used to, but it's going to experience is a normal housing market and I don't think anyone is used to. So it's going to feel different, right, because houses are sitting for 30, 45 days, but that's actually normal, right? Um, you can actually make an offer on a house and offer slightly below the sales price. That doesn't mean the housing market's crashing, it's just normal. How normal? Yeah, so it's just a little more balanced. I don't think interest rates are going to come down tremendously. You know, as long as it's kind of six in the front, I think you should be happy. But you don't think interest rates are going to come down tremendously. You know, as long as it's kind of six in the front, I think you should be happy.

Speaker 3:

But you don't see a crash at all. Do you see any of that coming or no?

Speaker 4:

Because too many people have cash. That's the big difference. Yeah, not just cash, but equity. Yeah, so most people are sitting with $200,000 for that.

Speaker 1:

All right, david, I'm the table. Oh, you'll learn. We're going to hear the little tap of David. We usually hear Ashley's jingle with hands tapping, see.

Speaker 3:

Oh my god, if he had walked in with that, I would have been like holy beep, beep.

Speaker 1:

I'll beat myself up. I can see. It's so funny because I literally text both David and Lisa. And I said your words verbatim when I told you. When we revealed who he was, I said your words verbatim. I know you well.

Speaker 4:

Yes, so for there to be a housing crash, unemployment's the key, because as long as people have jobs, they're going to pay their mortgage, even if it's because it's still cheap for people that bought anything left anything more than just in the last two years.

Speaker 3:

they have extremely low house value oh yeah, my interest rate is 2.69.

Speaker 4:

Netflix causes a crash they're crazy people losing their jobs and having to sell. Yeah, if you have to sell right now, you're not going to sell.

Speaker 3:

That's true you're still going to sell, that's true. You're still going to make. Yeah, so would you say it's buyer's market, seller's market, or about even. Okay, oh that is a good yeah, so it's now a good time to sell. If you're, I would Wanting to.

Speaker 4:

He says now is a good time to buy Because it's still coming out in the winter and then winter is more of a buyer's market Because people don't want less and there's less inventory. Once you get into probably spring, I think people are going to come out of the window. If rates get down to six and a half, the weather's nice. People are going to put their houses on the market Because they're still in demand. Have kids that want to grow. They're transferred. People will start giving up that three percent entry.

Speaker 4:

Okay, family grows when they get divorced. It's a natural cycle that doesn't just stop right isn't one of the major.

Speaker 1:

Like finance experts, they say that you should buy them when the interest rates are high. Is that right? And then sell one because they're gonna? I don't know. Am I getting that wrong? No, I mean, I know Botox. I don't know.

Speaker 4:

The thought is that when rates are low, you have more people that want to buy, so competition is out.

Speaker 4:

There's more people out just supply and demand. More people are out making offers. So five people are making offers on the same house. We're at high rates. The seller's sitting there for 30 days and they're like, oh my God, I'm not going to sell it, I'll take it. So that's why you want that balance. You want houses on the market 30 to 45 days. If they're on the market 90 days, then it's definitely a buyer's market Right and they got to start driving. That makes sense Right?

Speaker 3:

This is way more boring than this. I actually think that I'm going to have to book an appointment with Dr Pam, because I think that I have PTSD, but in all seriousness though, so okay, we'll get therapy together.

Speaker 1:

We will be in therapy together, dave. You know he really is like an expert like mortgaging. He does great like little short videos. So how?

Speaker 4:

do you follow you? Not Trevor, just David Monser. Instagram and Facebook. Most I'm landing towards Instagram now.

Speaker 3:

We'll put a boy post of him. How did you get into this? Just curious.

Speaker 4:

Well, I didn't meet you before. Yes, yes, we're, yes, we're back to that. Why?

Speaker 3:

not, I know, and it just went on. I love being here. I didn't just figure out the one that made the best. Yeah, I'm just going to juggle.

Speaker 4:

So I actually have been doing this since college. Wow, they interviewed on campus. I got a minor in Spanish, so they came and they wanted me to start a Spanish division, even though my Spanish was not that good. Oh, wow, and Wachovia hired me to start the Spanish division.

Speaker 3:

Oh, my gosh Wachovia.

Speaker 4:

I was a sick girl, oh my gosh. Wachovia. So was it Wachovia or Wacholo?

Speaker 3:

I know exactly, Exactly. So where did you go to school? University of Georgia Yay Go Dawgs. One of you has a kid at Georgia Me, she's a cheerleader. Oh, I'm the best freshman Summon all the games. Yay, I know, I love it. Go Dawgs, go Dawgs, go play next year. I'm Missouri, so go Tigers, we. Yeah, I know. Sorry you may be Georgia next year, I'm a.

Speaker 1:

Georgia fan now.

Speaker 4:

Shout out to all my Georgia Tech fans. I've got probably five Georgia Tech fans who all their kids go to Georgia. Hey.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah.

Speaker 4:

And they're all wearing Georgia stuff.

Speaker 3:

Isn't that hard? I hear that's hard, I don't know. No, but that's because we're winning. But no, after the game this year we have a whole new respect for Georgia Tech. We can all agree on that. That game was brutal. Were you there? I didn't even watch it. I was not there. I was there. Brutal.

Speaker 4:

Brutal Sorry.

Speaker 1:

I see some people in the comments recognizing David, but I want to know everyone that was listening who thinks he deserves it.

Speaker 3:

I get confused, oscar, I think it's an Oscar an Emmy, a Tony, let's just do the entire thing. He thinks to me every year. What is this? That's like Schitt's Creek, oh my God, okay. So how do you all know each other? Yes, Okay how is this? Come on, trevor Trevor. How do you know them?

Speaker 4:

I've done mortgages all my life but I opened Operation Camp without a fitness program. Lisa's husband came and did it for a long time. Lisa came and did it.

Speaker 3:

Where did they meet? At Drakefield, at Drakefield.

Speaker 1:

Lisa, you don't sound super excited about that. I came and did it for about a month.

Speaker 4:

She was the funnest. She would show up and say no.

Speaker 1:

Oh Lisa, I don't squat Lisa, or boot camp. It was hardcore.

Speaker 3:

Lisa, I don't squat. What does that mean? I don't squat? No, you don't. I went and guilt every day and I did. I always tried to Wow Good and guilt every day and I did. I always tried to have a good garden. So are you still?

Speaker 4:

doing this. Well, the franchise we closed because it just wants all the CrossFits and everything else. That's valid, but we still have a group that meets that does it because we still enjoy it. So we still meet at 5.30 on Tuesdays, thursdays and Fridays. 5.30? Yeah, it wants to come Wow 5.30?.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Oh my gosh, I'll see you there, lisa. Wow, that's amazing.

Speaker 2:

Really it's a middle age workout. The middle age workout, the knees are not the same.

Speaker 3:

The knees are no longer our practice, but that's okay. At least you're still working out.

Speaker 4:

Several of ours. They're up anyway.

Speaker 3:

At 530?.

Speaker 4:

They're up anyway.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I don't have a problem, I can still sleep, oh yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm not a morning person.

Speaker 1:

I don't know how. You look bad at like seven no.

Speaker 3:

I told you I'm a noon to two, lisa, noon to two. I'm not a morning person and I don't. I mean I go to bed super early. I will literally wake up to like 55,000 text messages from this crazy group and then I'll text back at 530.

Speaker 1:

Maria said that Dave was her first loan officer at what's Her Name.

Speaker 3:

Anyway, there's a question. There's a question From Beth.

Speaker 4:

Oh, I think you answered it, though Beth has marked it. It depends. There's no telling. I mean, I've heard some people say inflation's coming back into the year. If that does, rates are going to go up. No, it can't. No, now we're working towards inflation going down it has been trending down, but I think we're just going to be flat. I think there's not going to be a lot of growth, but we're not going to go backwards. Okay, and that's a good thing yeah sometimes consolidation the term.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, just kind of well, america's kind of funny, though as well, because there's so many different areas that are still growing right all the time like it feels like peak trees to me is now just catching up with atlanta, with everywhere else it's still like, well, houses have gone up here.

Speaker 4:

They're kind of leveling up to where everything is in roswell or right, you're in a great area whenever you the areas that you see the tremendous growth like las vegas. When they shoot up 12 yeah, they shoot down 12%.

Speaker 3:

There's no middle ground.

Speaker 4:

You see steady growth, which is good, it's fantastic, even when it's hard.

Speaker 3:

But there's not a lot of new growth in Peachtree City, right? Does that affect things as well or no?

Speaker 4:

Just limited supply. I think we're probably getting towards the age where people are going to start tearing houses down and start over the next year or two yeah, I think, once we hit another really hard positive bull market or a strong economy.

Speaker 3:

Then it's just the land, that's the money Right.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

But that's hard to build, it's expensive.

Speaker 2:

Well, right now?

Speaker 3:

yeah, because again everything is so expensive. Steel, wood, yeah, I mean. So if people want to sell, what do you tell them to focus on the most in their house to get?

Speaker 4:

Oh, that's a good question what do you renovate? I'm not a real estate agent, so I do not typically discuss. I don't even know the answer to that. To be honest, answer that. To be honest. My opinion is I mean, your house just has to be clean. Yeah, really, people don't have vision, is what I hear from a lot of real estate agents. They walk into a house and there's a dog thing there. They can't picture that dog for not being so crazy that people can't.

Speaker 3:

But I mean, I do understand that because, again, the brain, yeah, the brain works that way either you're artistic or you're not. You You're very literal with everything.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

I've always heard like kitchens, like baths, like everything, updated, you know that kind of thing.

Speaker 4:

The kitchens it's a nest, like the little nest thermostat, like that small little thing. Right, it's kind of like the house's network.

Speaker 3:

It's like that. It's one of those five-second first impressions Like it's like that.

Speaker 1:

it's what is in that five second first impression like it's, it's the little things like it, yeah, so crazy. So what was your five second first impression when you met trevor?

Speaker 3:

I was trying to make sure that I had all of my questions in line and appropriate and that is no joke like literally, when I, when I stood up, I was like, okay, ashley, keep it together. We're being very respectful and get your questions. Keep it together because, again, we've talked about this before like there's parts of that lifestyle that like I actually had questions for because it's so polygamous. We'll get you. We'll get you I mean what?

Speaker 3:

up if you're out there. Yeah, yeah, out there, like it, literally like we did, I have on it like I don't know.

Speaker 1:

I think he did pretty good research. I think it was almost as good.

Speaker 3:

I just still say Tricia, you are in arsehole, and that one didn't Get the button. Look, he said arse. I know arse is European, irish, irish. Everybody that cannot see. I just got the eyebrow from Lisa that I needed. Yes, it's like.

Speaker 1:

English, like english, irish, scotch and farce. I think my favorite part was that each one had like their place, like there was the each had a purpose now, my favorite was the time out.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, I was like how does that work exactly?

Speaker 2:

how does that work? What the fuck is a time out?

Speaker 3:

how does that work exactly how does that work? Like what the fuck is a timeout how does? That work, work. Yeah, she has no one can. Holy crap, david, if you said, oh no, we put her in her crate, I think I would have literally imploded. How does it get worse?

Speaker 1:

I was afraid for the people like beth who hadn't seen the heard the intro. Intro yes, if we went too deep, exactly so.

Speaker 3:

I take it, beth. I take it never in a million. Would you be Maybe if not?

Speaker 4:

Would you?

Speaker 3:

ever have multiple wives. I'll be.

Speaker 4:

this is a downer. I have never dated two girls, that's so.

Speaker 3:

Well, that's how it should be. Yeah, you came up with the Hems thing too, oh, it's advertised on Stop.

Speaker 4:

Maybe not to y'all, I know, because he didn't say Little Blue.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, exactly, I know, I was like, oh Okay, so he actually did. Yeah, okay, all right, so Pot does that, all right, I mean that's good to know.

Speaker 4:

I was like Hems, so all right, it's the H-I-M-S.

Speaker 3:

oh, I thought you said him, so he's. I totally got it. Okay, not him. Is it coming? A gummy horn like that's amazing. Oh my gosh, yeah, it's her. I totally thought he was talking about that. Was it's her? I totally thought he was talking about me. That was, yeah I know that was twice.

Speaker 4:

It's advertised a lot.

Speaker 3:

It's on your ice. No for hers. It's hers and him. Are they the same thing, right? Okay, so that's legit. Hers is yeah. Now that I know that it's not pot, it's an online order. What you need for what you need, it's for what you need. Oh, basically, well, that just went through my head.

Speaker 1:

I just thought we were smoking a bunch of weed.

Speaker 3:

No, amazing, okay. I think for her it's like hair loss and shots for weight loss and oh, the hers, hers, okay, it's like you haven't seen that. No, I've, I've seen that, you guys. Nowadays, there's always something for something. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 4:

Well, a friend of mine, when they saw the advertisement, went and did the.

Speaker 3:

Wink, wink, wink, wink, wink. Look, this might have clicked on what I know, just to check it out. Right, for any purposes, Just self-assessment. Right, right, right, okay, the self-assessment. The purpose is just self-assessment. Right, right, right, okay.

Speaker 4:

It gives you lots of options. Like you were saying, it's not just for erectile dysfunction, right it's. Do you want to last long? Do you want to be big? Do you want to be a?

Speaker 3:

Right, yeah, do you want more hair? Do you want Exactly weight? Yes, very cool, it's a whole thing well like I said, I'm just glad for some clarification because I they stepped up on gummies. She's like hymns same thing tomato, tomato. I just totally missed that part.

Speaker 1:

But speaking of women and things. What's it like dating in middle age?

Speaker 4:

How's it different from when you're younger? I'm unique because I've been focused on my kids for the last several years. So if I went on a date or two, if it wasn't real, I just never dated for the sake of date. It just wasn't for me. Yet I've got the rest of my life to do that. I just never dated for the sake of date, Like it just wasn't for me. Yet I've got the rest of my life to do that. Right, I'm dating someone now and it is wonderful.

Speaker 3:

It's one person. It's one person, okay, trevor yeah.

Speaker 4:

And it's the first person I've dated in quite a while just because I've got a lot to do. I'm not, you know.

Speaker 3:

Y'all know that your kids are only in town for so how has dating, though, changed from like way back when to now, and is it mostly like online, like how you meet people are like you know, because my clients are all like I'm meeting people online and I'm like, oh, that's like a whole different, yep yeah, and it's extremely difficult because I've been on all the apps and how you start a conversation and then it's like I get to get back to work and then you're working and it's three days later and it's like, oh, I forgot to reply that.

Speaker 4:

It's just awkward. Um, so I think a lot of people have success. I have friends that have a lot of success with that because they just have that energy where they're just right. I'm gonna date everybody every three nights a week. Right, like Trevor, like Trevor, right, trevor would, yeah, and so, if you have the time to, but I talk all day too, for my job, I'm constantly making videos or talking to customers, and so to come home and text, yeah, like you just shut down.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I say that every day. I'm out of words.

Speaker 3:

No, I mean, that's how I am when I get home. I'm just like I don't. Well, but are you an extrovert or an introvert?

Speaker 4:

I would say an extrovert.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so you get your energy. Are you kidding? Do you think that an introvert could hold off Trevor? Now, dr Pam, I don't know. I'd argue that. I don't know that's, but that's from someone who doesn't know you, because I guess, like, because yeah, I can see like you, like all day, and then you go home and you're just like, I need to recharge, yeah friday night I'm like I'm fine sitting home.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, nothing, right, my kids are with their mom that weekend. I'm like, right, sitting here. No, I don't want to go to dinner. I don't want to go to a bar, right, yeah? So I do enjoy just shutting down yeah, just chilling out and recharging?

Speaker 3:

yes, all right. So how old are your children? Is that, was it true? The 17 and 11? 17, 11?

Speaker 4:

yeah, I know, 17 and 11 I'm a 13 year old at boot and I have an 18 year old. Okay, okay, any plans he is investigating several schools. He wants to be a aircraft mechanic. Wow he started with that. Now he's concerned with fbi or something like that. He's not sure that interesting.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so he is researching but that's such a fun age like when they start to kind of like take on that mature personality and they're like looking at their future. Because I mean, we all know that when you're that age or moment that everything is just like day to day, Life is magical.

Speaker 3:

You know, money just grows on trees and you don't have to worry about what you're going to do so, like when they start to make that turn where they're like yeah, now I'm going to start thinking about we just had a conversation two nights ago because I said don't feel bad, because I'm pushing you to make decisions.

Speaker 4:

I'm just trying to push you to go in any direction. Right, Change your mind five minutes later. That's okay too. I'm fine with that. Yeah, I was worried. I was constantly asking so what are you going to do Exactly?

Speaker 3:

That's just a parent, though I mean we can't help it, right? That's what I told him. I was like I feel like if I don't say anything, that you're not no hope that it falls in glad.

Speaker 4:

So how will you feel when there's graduation and then like he's going away to wherever he goes, very independent kid for a while. Oh well, so you're used to it. My younger son is all about me and hanging out and yeah. So thank god it's not reversed, yeah yeah, is it the same for dads?

Speaker 3:

so like I know, like when that first one goes away, like to school, whatever, like, whatever they're doing, like I know, like for a mama's heart, you're just kind of like it hits you because I mean, I don't know, like you just have, you have this little human that you have tried to grow and have them be decent. So like, is it the same for dads, like when they take that step, like, are you as kind of like, oh my gosh, this is like real I would imagine.

Speaker 4:

it is because how I feel about my younger one. He goes into seventh grade right next. How is it eighth grade, eighth grade next year? And then hi. So I'm thinking, oh my god, this is your last year. Right, it's the last then I might not even ever see you again, right, right. But my older one, like I said, he's been so in bed for so long, right Like, doesn't feel any better. Right Like, if he goes to school three hours away, I won't feel any better.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that makes sense. I've got a healing zone. Oh, the last one it is. It's the last of everything. It's the last first day of school.

Speaker 1:

You know, like at home, and I know and I mean me not being sentimental, hardly at all like you do have those moments so yeah, well, you notice too, when I introduced the real david montz or not, mr trevor, I think even before I said mortgage officer, I said dad, because he's a very dedicated dad. I think that's great, that like his kids. I think that's, I think that's actually the most important thing.

Speaker 3:

To be honest, like I mean, don't you guys all feel that that, like is literally our most important job on this planet, like that's our soul's job, is to try and raise really good humans?

Speaker 4:

and it is and to be present. I mean you look at all the issues that we have and it goes back to the home and who was involved.

Speaker 3:

Right yeah, just being present.

Speaker 1:

Mind, body and spirit. David, you have all brothers right, I do. Are you close to your mom? Yes, so I'm curious Uh oh, uh oh.

Speaker 3:

Are they older? Yes, oh, you're the youngest. Oh wow, they should see his youngest, oh wow. So you're close to them and do you see them a lot. Are they close by your siblings?

Speaker 4:

Well, one of my brothers is in Carrollton, okay. The other one is in Texas. He's actually here visiting us.

Speaker 3:

Oh my God, that could have actually been a really hilarious episode.

Speaker 1:

But was it the brother-husbands? You just missed out on that. Yes, well, I'm okay. So you weren't really raised with girls other than your mom and you've not dated a lot. I'm curious of your knowledge.

Speaker 3:

Uh-oh, this is what they do to us, now they're doing it to you. I'm just going to sit back.

Speaker 1:

So you're late. Ashley's kind of I'm actually the old.

Speaker 3:

We're about to change it to the elderly podcast Elderly is right up, elderly.

Speaker 1:

I'm curious what you know about women and age. Okay, I don't know, You're on the spot, all right. So what is the average age for a woman to reach menopause?

Speaker 4:

I would say right off 48 to 52. Somewhere around there.

Speaker 3:

Oh gosh, David, I know a lot of kids that are 48 going through it.

Speaker 1:

I was like I didn't even know that answer. So the average age is 51, but can obviously vary. Okay, holy cow, true or false? Hot flashes only occur during the day.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 1:

That is so true, because I get them at night. Okay, false Hot flashes can occur both day and night. Nighttime hot flashes are often referred to as night sweats.

Speaker 3:

Yep, can I just tell you, in Ireland it's called hot flushes, hot flushes, hot flushes, hot flushes. Then they're a real pain in the arse. They're a pain in the arse, see Hems and hemp.

Speaker 1:

Ba-dum or hot flesh hempcom. Alright, so that's our new business guys, it's about to go viral. That's so funny which of the following is not a common symptom of perimenopause? A irregular periods. B enhanced libido. C mood swings. D hot flashes. I'm guessing Vita, I put the right, not you are like you are. You are creeping guys. He knows what he's talking about. All right, here we go. Fill in the blank the sudden feeling of warmth, often over the face, neck and chest. It's been many women during menopause. It's called a what?

Speaker 4:


Speaker 1:

Same thing or a hot flash Same thing.

Speaker 3:

Or a hot flash, or a hot flash. Oh, that is epic. Yes, all right, that was good.

Speaker 1:

Oh my God, True or false, menopause marks the end of a woman's ability to experience sexual pleasure.

Speaker 4:

Oh God.

Speaker 1:

False. So many women continue to have satisfying years for years after menopause All right, are we better?

Speaker 3:

He knows menopausal women. This is kind of scary. Well he's the aim that we work out with more times. We do talk about it all the time. Yes, yes.

Speaker 1:

You're in knowledge. This is good.

Speaker 3:

All right, which hormone significantly decreases during menopause, leading to symptoms like hot flashes and vaginal dryness. It's probably the only one you know. Hormone, yeah, no, no doubt.

Speaker 1:

Firstly, Well, that's true, I'll get that, I'll get that, I'll get that, I'll get that, I'll get that, I'll get that, I'll get that, I'll get that. Yeah, oh, no, definitely false. Hormonal changes during perimenopause and menopause can contribute to weight gain, especially around the abdomen. It sucks.

Speaker 3:

Again, I go back to Eve. I think I've said it to you before All this crap that us women go through, it's not about the apple, it's more. There has to be something more than just the apple back in the day. I don't.

Speaker 1:

Oh, there we go again. I got two more than just the apple back in the day, I don't. Oh, there we go again.

Speaker 3:

I got two more First book of the Bible Never read us and we will move on. The fact that I know that is actually Okay. I'm. You didn't read the Bible. You did not read the Bible in Catholic church. Really, the priest tells you oh, I can sing all the church. Oh, wow, okay, that is actually so interesting. I mean seriously the fact that I know that there's going to be Catholics. Come on here, though I'm like absolutely disagree with me. But I'm telling you right now, and my whole time in Catholic school, in junior and I was in a conference school, secondary school we did not read the Bible. You did not do memorizations of verses. No, and you go to Mass and they read Gospels. Well, wait, what is the Gospels then? How is that different than According to St John? She's blocked that out. That's the Bible. Wait a second. I'm pretty sure the Gospel is the bible.

Speaker 3:

we didn't read it like, so no wonder you were looking at me when I said that if you're out there, like I understand, try the apple and eat. But no, but that totally makes sense as to why I was like, yeah, so all of the crap that we go through as women is more than about the apple and eat, like all of that. And you're like, what I, what I'm like, wait, what Doesn't that make sense to you? Like you've pissed somebody else off. It's not about the apple, but well, moving on, trish, yeah, okay.

Speaker 1:

So what term describes a phase leading up to menopause, when hormonal changes begin, often causing symptoms like irregular periods and mood swings? Health Perimenopause yeah, I have a menopause. Aka I know, you got two more, I feel so bad for you?

Speaker 3:

You're actually doing well, you actually did so good, you're doing well, but I feel bad for you because I cannot. I had to answer those questions.

Speaker 1:

Especially not growing up with sisters. Okay, true or false, all women experience severe symptoms during menopause.

Speaker 4:

The obvious answer is no.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you can. Yeah, you can't ever say all. That was kind of a dumb question. Chag APT. Okay, which?

Speaker 4:

lifestyle change can help alleviate some menopausal symptoms.

Speaker 3:

Polygamy, polygamy, polygamy. You have to keep it moist.

Speaker 1:

I'm tired Cheers to that guys. Which lifestyle change can alleviate some menopausal systems? Increased caffeine intake, regular physical activity, skipping meals or increased alcohol consumption alcohol and exercise right?

Speaker 3:

yes, I'm sure alcohol wasn't the answer, but it is for us absolutely. Good job. Sorry, zach, just confirmed. I'm impressed that you, like, had so many correct answers Zach, just confirmed. I'm a good test taker. You are a good test taker.

Speaker 1:

I don't read the Bible.

Speaker 3:

So hey, so curious at UGA, what did you major in? I got an international business degree, international business, and when did you graduate?

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

Well, you're close, really, mm-hmm Close. Yes, well, you're close, close by interesting. Football was bad back then, by the way same. I was disappointed. Yeah, I went to high school with him. I went to high school. I did you never saw. Where did you go?

Speaker 4:

well, I went to North Carolina and then I graduated in Fayette County High School oh wow, so you and I are back in the day.

Speaker 3:

Clayco, fayette County. Yes, let's bring out the Menage a Trois. That's interesting. He played it for a while. Oh yeah, we went to high school, we graduated together. He was like, yeah, very nice, very nice, I should have the camera views. Sorry, oops, oopsie, interesting. So we have no more questions for David. No, oh, poor thing.

Speaker 1:

So we used to do, would you rathers? Well, are we going to do that? I've got a couple for David.

Speaker 3:

Uh-oh, uh-oh, okay, we-oh, uh-oh.

Speaker 1:

Okay, we're sorry. Would you rather accidentally send a risque text to your boss or to your mother Boss? Okay, would you rather have your internet search history made public or have a video of you dancing naked? Go viral Internet search history. Okay, good answer.

Speaker 2:

Would you rather have a?

Speaker 1:

partner who laughs uncontrollably during intimate moments, or one who remains completely silent.

Speaker 3:

She has to have a sense of humor, especially at this age. We got to laugh it off. That would be weird. Yeah, that would be very uncomfortable, of course. So how have you been in Peachtree City?

Speaker 4:

I've been in Peachtree City for 13. Is that all yeah, because I lived in the Highlands.

Speaker 1:

I didn't know that.

Speaker 4:

I lived in the Highlands for 8 years how was that that's so pretty? I miss fire trucks. I miss hearing the noise. I love the quiet too, but I just love.

Speaker 3:

There's something about this city All of the noises we ate outside the other night.

Speaker 4:

The cars ran by with their loud radio and it just felt a lot better.

Speaker 3:

That makes total sense.

Speaker 4:

That's the one thing Peachtree City lacks there's no beer gardens.

Speaker 3:

Listen, don't get me started so much let's get you more restaurants.

Speaker 4:

I'm lobbying if you're out there. Partners Pizza, that bigger area in between Partners Pizza and the Farmer's Market all that just wasted. Why do you not put some picnic tables and some live music and serve beer at a Partners Pizza? I'd be there every second kind of like Night Market. Why do you not put some picnic tables and some live music and serve beer at an apartment and sing around there? I'd be there every second.

Speaker 3:

Kind of like Night Market. A little bit like Night Market. Is it a code issue? Like it's a county code issue? I'd say so. They've got a lockdown that you can't do that. I mean, who knows? I don't know.

Speaker 4:

I mentioned it to Rebecca and I think they're in the middle of that whole selling and rebonding. That's something they do down the road and we can't name them because look at Lion Creek, that's outside. That's true.

Speaker 3:

That is true.

Speaker 4:

And they play live music at the market. What would be the difference? How about every night, in all day, people go in and order their pizza. All you need is a tub of beer.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and I mean honest, Like you say, outside, literally, the overhead cost would be I love unlike you, I love the outdoors. I know Well because we're in this it's perfect weather for the most part. The plan down in Fayetteville and Square is to do that, so that's going to be. Oh, really, yeah, it'll be sad that they get pushed.

Speaker 4:

Oh in downtown Fayetteville. Yeah, that's pretty good.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, but even Lion Creek, yeah, yeah, that's so cool. Yeah, sit there and kids can play. That's so cool.

Speaker 4:

It's a great experience.

Speaker 3:

I was wondering with that because I drive by it when I go to Neal's and I see the bus barn and for most people the bus barn, it actually is part of the educational part of the county and I was like Lion Creek, so they donated the money to the bus barn. So now that I know that it's not where all the buses are.

Speaker 4:

It's cool. It's a Lion Creek. They have a huge playground, a splash pad, a huge field. That's amazing. So, especially if you have small kids and you drink beer, where else would you be?

Speaker 3:

Right, even if they had a food truck park, now that would be a little bit good. Well, they do that. Yeah, they do that. Like the night market, they do that.

Speaker 2:

But it's like once every three months, isn't there?

Speaker 3:

one in Turin Is that how you have it. Yeah, I only ever see one food truck. I have no, is I only ever see one?

Speaker 4:

food truck? I have no idea.

Speaker 3:

I saw a lot. I've never seen one. Yeah, I love food truck park. Yes, good food truck park. When we were open at Greenville in South Carolina. They have like a container yard, yes, and there's all these containers with all different things and you can sit in the middle and all the twinkling lights. It's so magical yeah, I know so magical. It's not just the containers. I know they also should have a restaurant in the lakes. That would be nice.

Speaker 4:

Vanessa Fleiss was the manager and I said why would you not build a dock? Oh yeah, People could walk out and they could just order. Yes, Even if it's not a permanent structure, allow them to That'd be so nice People go there.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, it would just be more fabulous. It is what it is, yeah.

Speaker 1:

It's a good sport. You have been saying it, oh my God. Thank you, trevor. I think so, since he used ChatGP, oh God, and we know he sings. He gave us a little demo. I just had chat give us another rap. I know she got a rap.

Speaker 3:

Oh no, okay, I don't have my glasses, so Pam can do it for me. You gotta do your, I know, but I I don't have my glasses. Look how big my. I don't Look how big my. I don't look how big, I still can't.

Speaker 1:

I swear to god nope, they've been okay lisa, I'll do it.

Speaker 3:

Okay. I mean, I'm not. You know, I love the last time. I just don't have my glasses for a second. Uh-oh, are you gonna go get my purse here? I have glasses. Your glasses are there. Oh lord how she's got them.

Speaker 4:

You haven't done this route before.

Speaker 3:

We don't I don't know no chat gave us. We're so fresh friends with the lauren here. Yeah, yeah, we're not middle.

Speaker 1:

We're not middle ages at all brandy just said she has glasses on. I'm sorry, my age. I said eminem, oh yeah all right, Is that Eminem?

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, All right. Now I'm talking NWA.

Speaker 1:

Here we go. Yeah, all right, david, give us a beat.

Speaker 3:

We thought we were gangster. She's a round-the-way girl In Missouri All right, ready All right.

Speaker 1:

Yo woke up this morning feeling kind of sore, but now it's time my shoes down, stuck on the floor.

Speaker 3:

My knees pop louder, louder than my bluetooth speaker. I'm rocking biophocals but I still can't see you. Am I doing my? We really do pot flash, night sweats. Where's my fan? I was feeling kind of frisky. Now I need a new plan. Take my bra off. That's a game changer. Don't touch me, honey. Mood swings for danger.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, no ipods no, you don't have to have to, can't? There's an order? Oh, I can't.

Speaker 3:

You're not doing it. Go you go. Now I'm just inflamed. My metabolism is slower than my password. Gain Wi-Fi week. My memory's shot, walked into the room and now I forgot. Alright, you can take mine. Come on, this will be great. Where are we?

Speaker 4:

I got thumbs in my purse, spanks on tight and I stop because my roots stay white. Give me some carbs, give me some sleep, and if you wake me up, boy it's getting deep.

Speaker 1:

You can just go ahead and do um chorus. You can do the chorus too for Pam.

Speaker 4:

You're really rapping. Well, middle age, we ain't done, we just getting started. Still got moves, but my back's all numb, so raise your glass, make mine a double To middle age living. Bring on the trouble.

Speaker 1:

Middle age living. I'm nervous we're not. For those of you who aren't listening, you have to go back and listen to the beginning of how we got.

Speaker 3:

Thanks a lot.

Speaker 2:

Thank you for joining the ladies of the Middle Age-ish podcast as they journey through the ups and downs of this not young but definitely not old season of life. To hear past episodes or make suggestions for future episodes, visit wwwmiddleagishcom. That's wwwmiddleageishcom. You can follow along on social media at Middle Age-ish. Also, if you have a moment to leave a review, rate and subscribe. That helps others find the show and we greatly appreciate it. Once again, thank you so much for joining us and we'll catch you in the next episode of the Middle Age-ish podcast.

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