Sofa Talk: 2 Truths and a Lie

Ashley Bedosky, Lisa Kelly, Dr. Pam Wright, and Trisha Kennedy Roman Season 2 Episode 5

Ever reminisce about the good old days, flipping through a Sears catalog, or is it just us? Well, buckle up for a trip down memory lane peppered with laughter, as Trisha Kennedy Roman, Ashley Bedosky, Lisa Kelly, and Dr. Pam Wright spill the beans on life's amusing intricacies in our latest episode of Middle Ageish. From Lisa's riotous encounter with a dog waste-removal entrepreneur—affectionately dubbed the "Poo Dude"—to the universal challenges and charms of gift-giving, we cover the comical side of the everyday conundrums that come with being firmly rooted in middle age.

Join us as we pop the cork on the bubbly memories of festive gatherings and fumble through the excitement of sporting events, complete with a nod to our beloved Kansas City Chiefs. And as if the anecdotes of schnapps shortages and clever party fixes weren't enough to keep you chuckling, wait till you hear about our forays into language blunders and the hilarity that ensues when words don't quite translate as intended.

It's not all about looking back; we've got our eyes set on future shenanigans too! From daydreaming about a girls' getaway filled with wine tasting and language lessons to plotting a visit to Ireland and Scotland, our bond over shared misadventures is sure to warm your heart. So, grab your beverage of choice and join us for an episode that's more than just talk—we're serving up camaraderie with a side of sidesplitting revelations. Cheers to the stories that make us and the friendships that keep us laughing!

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Middle-Age-ish podcast, authentically and unapologetically, keeping it real, discussing all things middle-age-ish, a time when metabolism slows and confidence grows. Join fashion and fitness entrepreneur Ashley Badosky, former Celtic woman and founder of the Lisa Kelly Voice Academy, lisa Kelly, licensed psychologist and mental health expert, dr Pam Wright, and highly sought after cosmetic injector and board certified nurse practitioner, trisha Kennedy-Roman. Join your hosts on the journey of Middle-Age-ish.

Speaker 2:

Hello everyone and welcome back to another episode of Middle-Age-ish podcast. I'm Trisha Kennedy-Roman and I'm joined today with my co-host, ashley Badosky, lisa Kelly and Dr Pam Wright, and you are joining us for our SOPA talk.

Speaker 3:

Yay, you do it so well, I know, I know, I mean seriously, I like the queen to the verse.

Speaker 4:

After my epic fail, I'm like.

Speaker 3:

God, she's just seamless.

Speaker 2:

You did great.

Speaker 5:

Anyway, how was everybody's week? Good, so good yeah.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 5:

We are good.

Speaker 3:

I'm off to head to Marco Island on Friday. Oh nice, I know, it's our annual CCU Families Weekend with the four families that we're super close with Very cool, so my weekend is just fabulous. Like I'm already there, my brain's already just checked out for sure.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, my nerd yeah, although I did tell you when we were leaving last week. I told you about the bougiest thing I've ever done. Oh, my goodness.

Speaker 3:

I cannot tell you how many times I didn't say it was you, but I have said I have a friend who is so freaking. Epic, you need to tell this story.

Speaker 5:

Oh my goodness, Okay so.

Speaker 6:

I love it, I have a side piece.

Speaker 5:

I love it I just have a side piece here. Oh no, I have a side piece here. Yeah, and he came to the house again today. So last week, least week, oh yeah, so I mean it's valid, it is so you all know, I have like five dogs and I have four kids, plus faith my son's girlfriend who lives with us.

Speaker 6:

We love her, so like we have.

Speaker 5:

yes, we love faith. Yes, I have like five kids and five dogs, and my house is mental and we both work full time jobs, so we're constantly out of the house. And you know, when you have older kids as well, sometimes it's even worse than having young kids, because you're trying to match everyone's.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 5:

So sometimes you rely on those kids to look after the dogs and stuff and sometimes they don't.

Speaker 5:

So our dogs are very, very old to very, very young. So Molly and Harley live in the basement with Kean and Faith and they have a very we've a very small backyard. We have a lovely pool and we have a very small grass area on both sides. And then Walter and Snoop, who are the doodles, live on the main level with me and Scott, and then we have a little Yorkshire pup who is the bane of everybody's life. So he really, you know he's like a king, he just lives wherever he wants to live and he barks at all the dogs.

Speaker 5:

Anyway, scott left last Wednesday to go to Ireland for the All Ireland, so he's gone over and he took two of the children and then Kean and Faith are working, so they weren't there to help and I have Harry and I literally walked out to the back of the back garden where Harley and Molly are, and there was just so much poop and I was like I just I'm so tired of picking up poop, I'm just thinking about it. So I had seen an ad on Facebook for a lovely young man known as the Poodoot, and that is his name.

Speaker 6:

Freaking the marketing is crazy.

Speaker 3:

Oh my god, why did we not think of this I mean it's insane, it's insane.

Speaker 5:

So for the price of my Starbucks a week. My young hot poo dude will come to the house once a week and pick up all the poop Not a pool boy, but a poo boy I was like, yeah, I got a poo boy, and I got a poo boy that is so amazing.

Speaker 4:

I'm very excited.

Speaker 5:

He's like I don't think I've ever been that excited about a purchase.

Speaker 3:

I just think the whole concept is amazing. It's a genuine, it's just beyond epic. It is the pool boy on steroids, because now it's the poo dude.

Speaker 5:

It's the poo dude. I'm not, you know, I'm not queen enough, but I don't pick up the rest of the dog's poop. I do that, right, but it's just Molly and Harley. Well, I don't know about gardening, it's like I mean five dogs, it's a lot.

Speaker 4:

I mean, I've got three and Michael does it.

Speaker 3:

maybe every Sunday Could be every other Sunday.

Speaker 5:

You need the poo dude. I mean, oh my god, does he travel that far? Yes, he's in Calida Cantee. I've given him a great plug here. Oh my god he arrives in his car and he has this little trailer at the back that has this like like a plastic box and he's like a dumpster, a dumpster and he goes in the back and it's all.

Speaker 3:

So he doesn't even put the poo in your own, in your dumpster.

Speaker 5:

No, he takes the poo with him. He takes the poo away and he like uses it as a compost.

Speaker 3:

I want to know how he started this, like how this, even came for contestant he's a genius. We should interview the genius, we should. All right, you need to tell him we got it, we got it. There's our guest.

Speaker 5:

We got to dig deep into this. I just think there could have been so many other names.

Speaker 3:

I think it does. I love it. Oh my god, I think the name is Epic, I love it too, I could have come up with like some really. Well, now you do have. You look very clever. You put your right.

Speaker 6:

Can you imagine being on a date and being like I'm the poo dude?

Speaker 5:

So like he picks his date up and he's like, hey, just pop one in here, I can pick you up and the poo In the poo. I'm just so anyone, because it's kind of his car too, though. He has the poo dude on his car.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, no, no, no, I cannot. This is.

Speaker 3:

I just, it would be a random date.

Speaker 6:

Like, take that off.

Speaker 3:

I just think that his personality has to be absolutely fabulous.

Speaker 6:

Is he like really outgoing?

Speaker 5:

I haven't met him Because I'm never there when he does that. He just sends me a text and go I'm here, I'm like I love you.

Speaker 3:

Like I'm seeing you in my dream, kissing face, kissing face, kissing face, you too, boo. I'll be humming five.

Speaker 6:

Yes, that's true, that's true. Kiss emoji poop emoji oh my god.

Speaker 5:

What did I do before the poo dude? I just cannot get enough of that I just can't.

Speaker 3:

I can't If he would take a cook.

Speaker 6:

I would like quadruple his poo.

Speaker 5:

I don't know if I want him cooking. No, no, no, I'm sure this is a separate one for that. Yes.

Speaker 6:

Oh yeah, the cooking, dude the cook dude.

Speaker 3:

I just think it's fabulous, I will share his details with you all.

Speaker 5:

Yes, I'm sure it's going to be overvotes.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 5:

I'm sure everybody in the neighborhood hates me. I'm sure they're like oh, I can't believe she has a poo dude.

Speaker 3:

Why I think it's brilliant. I mean, I really do want to get the backstory to it, because we need an interview. I know because it's such a basic, because everybody who has dogs complains about having to go out and shovel poop, yep, yep, and for years, like ever. I remember my dad bitching about it in the 80s, going on, and so we've got to hear the backstory.

Speaker 1:

It's great.

Speaker 3:

So I mean I wonder if it's just something that's started to take off on, like whether the West or the East Coast, and they're starting to find here?

Speaker 5:

I think I saw his registration was California. I think his car his place was California, but I know you know.

Speaker 2:

I have a funny dog poo story. So we know my husband. He's not like I brought home dogs, brought home dogs, snuck home dogs.

Speaker 3:

I love your doodles. He's not a fan. I still need to meet your doodles and they're big dogs, yeah.

Speaker 2:

And their poop is really big. So normally we don't pick up the poo because we live on a lot of acres. But we were out of town and my mom was watching the dogs and she, to make it easier, she would just let him out in our little fence there by the pool and we have a putting green out there. Oh yeah, and my husband, he does not like poo on the putting green, so anytime the dogs have ever pooed on the putting green he has a certain place.

Speaker 3:

he swims, swim sits, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

My mom we were gone. She wanted him to come home and have no poo to clean up, so she started piling on the poo right over the pool fence and she'd scoop it up piling. My husband walked around barefoot all the time and that's like this area that he always walks like behind the pool there's never poo, because he knows where he puts the poo Right. So it was really funny. He was out there walking behind the pool and stepped barefoot.

Speaker 3:

No good deed goes unpunished, that's so true, yes, but I can relate to that because Michael does it assert, because we not on as much acres as you have, but like we have a fence in area and then the rest all around our house is just natural like you know whatever. And so we always are like don't go into the leaves past the fence because you got to stay to the right where it's grass and pine straw. Once you get the leaves, you got the poo dew. Yes.

Speaker 4:

Oh, he could have been the do do dood.

Speaker 3:

Oh, there's my idea. You know you've been thinking about this, you know you're brave she's going to come up with a slide, the do do dood.

Speaker 5:

It just can't stop. Yeah, it's about care to go up, are the?

Speaker 6:

do, do dood. The do dood, the do do dood, yeah, I know.

Speaker 3:

But everyone wants to start singing that song.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, the do, do, do, dood. I am not going to sing next to the least of Kelly, same Not doing it, I'm going to remember my place in the past. See now, if you had a cat like I do, you'd have the little robot.

Speaker 1:

I have a little robot.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, it just like does everything for you, then you just pull the bag out and there you go.

Speaker 3:

It's like our cat's like me.

Speaker 5:

Oh, I don't like cats. I don't either, I just like my dog.

Speaker 3:

But isn't it funny though? But no, but man, like you're either a cat person or a dog person, I don't know too many people that kind of intersects with it.

Speaker 5:

I've never even been around a cat, like I've never been around a cat I've never been around a cat.

Speaker 3:

I was younger and I loved them. They're sweet. I remember because I was very original in my naming so you can know exactly what color they were. Yeah, yeah, 1000%. So precious amazing, but those were the only cats I had and I am a total dog person at this point, yeah, love the dogs, but I would have like five I think that was my bougie week. I just think it's so freaking fabulous it just reinforces why I love you so much.

Speaker 6:

I think you're smart to hire him and I think he's brilliant to start that company.

Speaker 3:

Oh my God 100%.

Speaker 5:

Like why do we not think of that?

Speaker 1:

Because you would want to do that.

Speaker 3:

What did Scott say? Was he just like, okay, it's valid. Or he was like what in the ever loving?

Speaker 5:

He just laughed. I told him after I came home from the podcast last week, because I hadn't told him because he was at work, right. So I came home and I went, I did a thing. He's like what did you do? But then he was like, oh, for God's sake, that's great.

Speaker 3:

Well done, okay, I love it. I love it. That's smart, it is. Yeah, it really is Genius.

Speaker 2:

I don't have anything that bougie I think I would think bougie, I wish I could be that bougie.

Speaker 5:

That mom was cheap bougie, cheap bougie Okay.

Speaker 3:

You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 4:

I guess I'm bougie with my hair.

Speaker 3:

Maybe not. It's not the poo-doo, though.

Speaker 5:

No, I'm not a bougie person, I'm really not like me either, but like a candle for $50 and I was having a heart attack. So I'm just not like, I just can't do it.

Speaker 2:

You know it's insane how expensive candles are now, Like it's called a man Right ridiculous.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, the big ones are like hundreds of dollars Now, granted, they do burn for four months, but you're literally burning your money.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, oh I know, but they smell so good.

Speaker 3:

I know, see, that's the thing, I just love candles.

Speaker 5:

I love candles too. I bought one for Scott for his birthday, for our room, oh, that's awesome.

Speaker 6:

I could tell I could just buy you a house.

Speaker 5:

I have a gift for you wink, wink, so he opens up the box and he's like what is this?

Speaker 3:

I was like it's a gift, it's for your room and you're like, but it's my favorite fragrance.

Speaker 6:

Okay, here's one. What's the worst gift that you were ever given?

Speaker 3:

Oh, the worst gift. I can't ever say they were the worst gift because they were always with good intentions. So then you can't, you know. But I do remember when Michael and I were dating and he was like I want to get you a ring and we were in college. So, like you know, right and no, I take that back we were it was our first year married. So he was like I want to get you a ring and I was like okay, cause we have complete opposite. Oh, like a thousand percent so, and I knew this already ahead of time. So I was like okay, I was like that's so amazing. Thank you, I've been thinking about this. You know, back in like the nineties, the dome ring.

Speaker 2:

I don't know if you guys ever remember, I remember that, oh, my gosh yeah.

Speaker 3:

So, and I obviously love big jewelry you know, whatever. So I got a catalog and I circled, five options, five options. I didn't get one of those options, uh-oh, and. But the intent was so amazing because he did know that I wanted this gold dome ring. I just wanted it big.

Speaker 6:


Speaker 3:

So hence the reason I circled, I tore the paper out of the catwalk. I put it down on the counter and I was like, okay, got this, this is gonna be a good cat and God bless. I opened and I was like I love you, I just love you. I was like are you excited? And I'm like I just love you, I love you. Yeah, so it wasn't a bad gift.

Speaker 2:

It was just. Yeah, I wouldn't want anything that had to do with cleaning cooking or a gym membership.

Speaker 6:

I got a trash can one time. Oh, that's a bad gift. I got a trash can, did you really?

Speaker 3:

I did. Okay. Did you say you needed or wanted a trash can?

Speaker 2:

Was it a good trash can? Did it cook.

Speaker 3:

It was a good trash can as well as be a trash can and pick up poop on its own. Was it the original poo-doo, scooper pooper?

Speaker 6:

It was one of those. You step on it and the lid comes up, so I guess that's exciting.

Speaker 5:

And they're expensive.

Speaker 2:

So it was a bougie trash can?

Speaker 5:

It was bougie.

Speaker 6:

And then the next year I got a bird figurine from the same people and I thought, oh, I hope they don't listen to the podcast.

Speaker 2:

I thought it would be the bird.

Speaker 6:

I'm not saying who they are, but I was like huh, I don't know if they're listening.

Speaker 5:

And now I got a bird.

Speaker 2:

That's how people give you a trash can and a bird.

Speaker 5:

Oh yes, that's crazy. I haven't got anything to get a waffle maker, did you?

Speaker 6:

ask for a waffle maker.

Speaker 3:

But do you?

Speaker 6:

like waffles. Oh, so yeah, oh does he love waffles?

Speaker 5:

It wasn't a he.

Speaker 3:

Oh, does she love waffles.

Speaker 5:

She did what I got a waffle maker. She was fed waffles every.

Speaker 4:

Wednesday oh, that's so funny. She was very cute.

Speaker 5:

It was actually very, very cute though, because she tried really hard and she got my favorite color waffle maker and it was a little mini waffle maker Anyone so adorable, so one of those things.

Speaker 3:

It wasn't a great gift, but the intent was like I don't really know what her intent was.

Speaker 5:

Oh, okay, when we talked about it for a bit. I tried to be a little like and I was like it's a waffle maker, like one of you ever see me eat waffles. Ever Got it. Okay, she's been very good gift giver ever since. I'll tell you.

Speaker 3:

Well, you know lesson learned. I can say that Michael has too. He takes those circles in the catalog and he just goes to town.

Speaker 2:

Yes, did you have Sears catalogs in Ireland?

Speaker 5:

No, we didn't have Sears in Ireland. Do you remember Sears catalogs in the early 80s? Absolutely.

Speaker 4:

That was like the best thing for like, because it's like looking through the Sears catalog yeah, circle, but they were thick, they were stupid. It was like because it was like clothing, toys appliances.

Speaker 5:

Jewelry yeah, jewelry yeah.

Speaker 3:

Like it was a complete, like it literally was the Sears store you had to order it.

Speaker 5:

Are there any Sears stores left?

Speaker 3:

I don't think so.

Speaker 5:

I used to love Sears. I don't know. I got my first washing machines from Sears.

Speaker 6:

Did you, I know. I have tear pennies, jc pennies had a big catalog too. I did.

Speaker 2:

So, speaking of shopping, do you have any fat vines in?

Speaker 3:

the last week or so. Oh, fat vines, let me see. What have I?

Speaker 2:

bought. I've just found a fat vine with your pants you have on. Oh Beyond Yoga.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, those are super soft With a mesh on the side.

Speaker 3:

Those are cute Space dye. That's that fabric. I'm telling you guys, it's like pajamas.

Speaker 2:

It's really soft.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's fantastic. They do a great job.

Speaker 5:

I don't know if I've had it. I don't think I've bought anything the last two weeks.

Speaker 4:

Nice bottle of wine Pudding, yeah, that's some Mum champagne for the Super Bowl.

Speaker 5:

That was very nice, nice. Yeah, I have a student over in California who every Christmas sends me champagne and like three bottles of champagne, wow, but they're paired with chocolate.

Speaker 3:

Oh, yes, okay, that's a good one.

Speaker 5:

Oh my gosh, I know she's so sweet, so nice Okay that's a good one. So yes. Faith and I had a bottle of champagne on Sunday watching the Super Bowl.

Speaker 2:

Yes, why would you?

Speaker 5:

Yes, throwing our Taylor's boyfriend. Go, taylor's boyfriend.

Speaker 3:

I know I mean hey, go Chief Nation, or Chief Kingdom, I should say Chief King Love them. Andy Reid was Michael's college offensive line coach. We love him.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Tammy yeah freaking fantastic family.

Speaker 2:

Love them, love, love, love them. That's awesome.

Speaker 3:

I did hate to see that Travis. Everyone like went after him. I guess the Swifties are like going after him and that Taylor needs to break up with him because he can't control his anger. And being like a mom of football players and married to one who played for you know like you lose. You lose your shit at times, of course, and you apologize, and Andy is not one that is like if he didn't know where it was coming from, he wouldn't have tolerated it, so I'm not saying I mean bad behavior, a thousand percent.

Speaker 3:

you got to keep it together but it's hard in those really high pressure moments. It is. Yeah, I mean I know now, granted not on that grand of stage, but I mean my kids lost it when there was heat in the moment, and you know. So I do feel like and no one showed that after where he went back up to him, not after they want, like. But he went back up to him and apologized and said I'm sorry.

Speaker 5:

Oh, wow.

Speaker 2:

You know. So anyway, I know I taste my mouth, but I think it looked worse and it was because, because he kind of lost his balance Right, so it made it look more yeah.

Speaker 3:

I mean because we were watching and I looked at Michael and I was like, oh yeah, it looked bad. It did look bad, but even Michael was like and he was a he's been a coat, whatever that. And then you, you know he's like, I guarantee he's going to go back and apologize. So, anyway, I think the Swifties needed giving him a second chance. I think they do.

Speaker 5:

Oh yeah, they are really.

Speaker 3:

They are really cute together.

Speaker 2:

They're so cute, so anyway I like how public she is with it. I just think it's really cool, because you've not seen her have public relationships.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, None of them have been public and I think she's just she's living in the moment. That's fantastic for someone at that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. You know the audio afterwards where she's hugging him. And he was like you know, you traveled halfway across the world and 16 hour flight Right. Yeah, it was. It was very she's back to Australia.

Speaker 5:

She has a show in Australia on Friday, oh wow.

Speaker 2:

I just talked about jet lag. I can't imagine, so how?

Speaker 6:

how much so I missed it. I was on the airplane, but how much did they show her during the 54 seconds, that's it the whole game.

Speaker 5:

Really yeah, but they were having a blast yeah.

Speaker 3:

She was like did you see the difference between like that box and like the Kardashian box was. I would say I missed it oh my well, I've just seen it on reels because I mean I'm still like that person and like so. The Kardashian Jenner box, like one guy was asleep, they're all on their phone. They're like slouched over and Taylor and like Blake Lively they're doing shots. Of course you got Jason Kelsey.

Speaker 1:

Jason Kelsey is the best Breaking. He's so cute. Love him. He's my favorite. Love him.

Speaker 3:

I mean so you had all of that going on. You're like that is absolutely the box.

Speaker 5:

I would say oh, absolutely. Yes, apparently, sarah Jessica Parker was there with a book. She read a book the whole way through. Oh my gosh, why do you even go? I mean it was like $2 million a suite.

Speaker 3:

But this is one go Like if you're going to go and just read a book or stay on your phone because you have no interest in football then let other people know yeah yeah, yeah, you have to be reading a book, I think at the phone.

Speaker 2:

Oh, or the guy that was literally asleep.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, like you have pictures of him snoozing, were they all?

Speaker 6:

for the same team. I have no idea. My guess is probably they were for.

Speaker 3:

Sam Fran just because they're all California, but I could be wrong. Well, now I take that back. I don't think they're from anybody, because they weren't cheering for anybody.

Speaker 6:

They're probably just there with.

Speaker 2:

But I was, I'm like oh my god.

Speaker 3:

I would want to be in Taylor's box because you and Sean's and then you got Julie Kelsey.

Speaker 5:

She looks like so much fun she does, she looks like lively.

Speaker 2:

I'm on the door. She's the cutest thing.

Speaker 5:

I've ever seen Tee to see right Reddle Say God, does anybody see my wife?

Speaker 3:

I will say I freaking love those two.

Speaker 5:

Oh, I love him, I love her too.

Speaker 3:

And then the way that those like him and his wife like they'll go at each other, like it's so freaking funny.

Speaker 5:

And then Hugh Jackman and Ryan Reynolds.

Speaker 3:

They have out there.

Speaker 5:

Their social media between the two.

Speaker 6:

Absolutely Hilarious. Yeah, love it. They're grace Although.

Speaker 2:

I will say it was kind of boring. I thought in the beginning of the football game Like it was like the game, yeah, until the very end, because there were just so many mistakes and there was no score.

Speaker 3:

and then you're like, oh my, how is this even possible that we're at halftime? It was like 10-0 or something.

Speaker 6:

It was like 10-0 for a long time it was so crazy, because they were, it was going to be like in the 30s.

Speaker 5:

It's such a long game for nothing to be happening.

Speaker 3:

I mean it really is.

Speaker 2:

I mean that's four hours of like why are we still at 10-0?

Speaker 3:

All right, so now we're at 10-3.

Speaker 6:

That's funny because I took off on the plane, it was three days and nothing, and then we landed the whole. You know the days. The city was winning and it was like, oh, that's so crazy yeah it was like insane, it was so crazy.

Speaker 5:

Anyway, it was good, it was fun yeah.

Speaker 2:

All right, so we have our. We're going to do something new with this. Two Truths and a Lie so funny.

Speaker 3:

See how well we know each other. I'm the absolute worst at this.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so who wants to go first? Pam, I'll be the worst To Mila. Me, it's like we're playing cards.

Speaker 6:

All right, let's see Okay let's see which one's the lie. Okay so, number one I bungee jumped in Fort Douglas, australia. Two I had a private concert by Dave Matthews. Three, I had Dead Roses delivered to me on Valentine's Day. Oh shoot.

Speaker 5:

Okay, come on which one is the lie I'm going to say three.

Speaker 4:

I'm going to say one the.

Speaker 6:

Dead Roses.

Speaker 2:

You're going to say bungee jump, yeah. Yeah, I'm going to say Dead Roses, you skydive.

Speaker 6:

That's so true, I forgot about that You're going to change your answer.

Speaker 3:

No, I'm going to stick with it. All right, Lisa, do you guess? But I did totally forget.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, I said the Dead Roses. No Dead Roses is true.

Speaker 2:

Well, that's definitely the worst. I just knew it right the bungee jumping.

Speaker 6:

You haven't, I have not, I have never bungee jumped.

Speaker 3:

I did.

Speaker 4:

I've jumped on an airplane, but I've never bungee jumped, and that's so funny now, when you say bungee jump.

Speaker 5:

I thought of you jumping out of an airplane, not doing a bungee jump.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, because, like being tied to something that could break. That, to me, is not have a safety.

Speaker 4:

It's not anything that could not work. I'd rather be tied to something.

Speaker 6:

Well, I figured there's the second parachute. That came about Okay, but did the roses?

Speaker 3:

come from when you were a reporter. Yes, that's okay.

Speaker 5:

So wasn't there like a movie about that, like in a reporter, that's what made you think of it Movie about you, but that is what made me think.

Speaker 6:

I did have some crazy stalkers.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 6:

And so for Valentine's, when you're at this one certain station, I got a lot of like Valentine's stuff. It was like somebody wrote me a song a country song. Wow.

Speaker 3:

And bring it to you.

Speaker 6:

So all these things. And then I got a box of roses, but this I'd had a police report because someone was following me home. It was very scary at midnight but there was a big purple box and I had a red bow and it was so cute and they're like oh, somebody delivered this to you at the station and I opened it and it's black dead roses.

Speaker 2:

That's definitely the worst gift.

Speaker 3:

That's scary, that was scary.

Speaker 6:

But the day Matthew's story is kind of funny oh what happened.

Speaker 3:

Well then, tell us. I mean, we've got all the time in the world, let's do it.

Speaker 6:

So my friend in South Carolina, we lived together, we were random roommates when I was a news reporter and her cousin worked for David Leatherman and so we went to see her and we're like she's like, oh, we got tickets to the show. She's like, hey, if you guys want to go down early, you can go down early. There's a band that's going to perform. And we're like, okay, who's the band? And she's like the Dave Matthews band. I'm like who's that?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, like what Dave Matthews?

Speaker 6:

band. I'm like, okay, we don't know who that is, but okay, we'll go see. So literally it's. He's on the stage, they're doing their performance, they're singing, ants Are Marching. It's me and my friend. We're the only two people in the entire auditorium except for their sound people in the back, and we like literally look at each other. We're like this is not great, I don't know.

Speaker 4:

Like this is just like whatever, so should we clap.

Speaker 6:

And they were super nice, like, super nice and like, but it was just like, oh my gosh, I like literally watched Dave Matthews perform Right.

Speaker 4:

Just me and the audience.

Speaker 5:

Yeah just me, and I'm like.

Speaker 4:

I had no idea.

Speaker 3:

It was kind of just like serenading you.

Speaker 6:

It actually was it was good, it was just different at the time. Yeah, different. It was a different scene. Yeah, me too Love it. No, wish I'd known. Then like, but it was good, it was really good, but it was. It's just different because we were like they're like we never heard this before. It is a little bit different. You know some of his music.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I love that. That is very cool. I love that. That was very cool.

Speaker 6:

I love it so yes, I would never bunch of jobs.

Speaker 4:

You never bunch of jobs.

Speaker 6:

Because you watch all these YouTube videos of people where they'll bungee like snaps and they're like going towards the like ocean, river or whatever like for their lives. I'm like not good enough for me.

Speaker 5:

No, no, I wouldn't bunch of jump out, so that's your mind Good.

Speaker 3:

Absolutely not. I already know it's you guys, my three.

Speaker 5:

Okay, hold please.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 6:

We are really lucky.

Speaker 5:

Lisa Kelly, I think you'll guess this. Okay, okay, I started my college life studying theology. Number one Okay, number two I was a competitive Irish dancer in my youth. Number three I did tequila shots with Jay-Z. I'm going with Irish dancer. I'm going with number two. I'm going with one. Number two is Irish. Number two is the lie. Yes, I did start my college life studying theology, did you really? Yes, I did.

Speaker 3:

And we know about Jay-Z. I knew he did. I knew he did I was like I couldn't remember if I told you. But yeah, no, you guys tell everyone, because I still think that's so fascinating, that's a good story. That is such a good story.

Speaker 5:

The shots with Jay-Z.

Speaker 5:

Yeah Well, it was an opening night of a tour and we had gone for dinner in a place called the Spotted Pig in New York, which is owned by U2, which is why we ended up being there our manager and U2's manager we're very good friends and we were invited up to a party upstairs in the room and the five of us were really bored because it was just us and the two older guys who were in charge and there was literally nothing happening, like nothing, and it was in a kitchen.

Speaker 5:

It wasn't like it was a kitchen, there was nothing fancy at all and it wasn't a big room, like if it was maybe 20 foot by I know it's probably a bit bigger than that about 60 foot by 20 foot Really small, really small. And we were sitting there anyway and we were just about to go and, as we were about to go, in walked Michael Stipe from Oriental. He actually didn't walk, he was in a wheelchair and he was being pushed by Josh Hartnett, who's an actor, so he was pushing him in, and then all these really famous people just started walking in, and it was Linda Evangelisa and Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin.

Speaker 5:

So freaking crazy and all these people. And then eventually, jay-z came in and it was like it was the most surreal thing ever, because we were sitting at this table and Chris Martin came over. He was so nice and he was pretending he knew what Celtic Woman was. He had no clue and Chloe was freaking out about Gwyneth Paltrow, who really didn't want to talk to us anyway. So we got up to dance and Jay-Z came over and stood beside me and I'm like, oh my God, this is so embarrassing, because it was all this rap music playing and I didn't know if it was him and we couldn't sit down.

Speaker 5:

And then there was this really awkward white girl dancing.

Speaker 5:

Oh, my God oh my God, I can't even break out the moves. And he was like do you want to go to the bar? And I was like, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, sure I didn't drink at this time either. What? So he handed me a shot of tequila which was in like bigger than what I would think was a shot glass. Now, I hadn't done shots in my life Well, I've maybe done two shots in my life so I was like it was like a big glass, but like I don't know how you're supposed to drink tequila. So I just knocked it back and he was like oh man, it's like $500 glass.

Speaker 3:

You're like that was fabulous.

Speaker 5:

He was like you, don't knock that one back, we do in Ireland.

Speaker 3:

And he's like game on, Game on yeah.

Speaker 5:

Love it. That's our girl. That is our girl.

Speaker 3:

So what kind?

Speaker 5:

of tequila was that? That was like I have no idea. Oh wow, I have no clue. I have no clue at all, I have no idea.

Speaker 4:

I have no idea Wow.

Speaker 6:

It was the strangest night of my life. It was very very cool, nice, very, very cool.

Speaker 5:

So how long did you?

Speaker 6:

stay after that.

Speaker 5:

I didn't stay too long because I was like no, I think I need to leave.

Speaker 2:

You got a very good shot of tequila.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I needed to leave. I'm out, yeah, I'm tapping out. But peace out guys.

Speaker 5:

Peace out. Go home to your girlfriend be honest.

Speaker 3:

Exactly, yeah, gotta go, gotta go. I love that. All right. So what's yours, ashley? Oh mine. So I started my career as a buyer for Victoria's Secret and my husband was featured in an adult magazine, rome One, rome Wrong.

Speaker 5:

I was born in Rome, georgia. Oh yeah, michael is not in an adult magazine. Okay, yes, he is.

Speaker 3:

Super funny story. Uh oh, so no, he was, but you were a buyer.

Speaker 5:

But you were a buyer for Victoria's Secret. No, so like.

Speaker 3:

I was born in Rome, so that's true. Okay, so I started my career as a buyer for Victoria's Secret and my husband was featured in an adult Well man she gave three, three, three, three. No, no, no, no, because I started at Victoria's Secret Corporate, but I was a liaison between the stores and she was. We knew that you were Victoria's Secret, but she wasn't a buyer, I wasn't a buyer.

Speaker 3:

There you go. She's just clever. Wish you were I did. But that's why I picked that, because for the longest time when I was younger, that's all I wanted to do is be a buyer.

Speaker 4:

Mm, hmm.

Speaker 3:

And when I got the opportunity to work at corporate like, I learned that buying wasn't like amazing, going to these amazing shows and it was literally just looking at numbers. No, granted, it was lingerie, but you know, whatever Nice, it was just numbers, and so I wish is better at like being that liaison with you know, so let's go to Michael, yeah, ok. Yeah, come on, so so funny.

Speaker 5:

So you know you're telling this.

Speaker 3:

He does.

Speaker 5:

OK, he does.

Speaker 3:

Well, I will have to say I have to give him credit, because I was talking about this today. He's like you got to, you got to say this and I had actually forgotten about it and I was like I'm not going to lie about that. He goes it's the truth and I'm like, oh my God, you're right. So I can't remember if it was the fall of 93, because we graduated in 94 from the University of Missouri and he was a member of the Playboy All-American team. So they flew, yeah, so they flew, the team like so they had they picked a player for each position from all over the country and they flew them out for a week to whatever this property that Playboy owned in the desert. And, yeah, so he actually was that I love it.

Speaker 2:

I think Michael's standing there like Ashley's husband's porn star I know exactly.

Speaker 3:

I mean that's why I was like, oh my God, michael, that's that's. I mean that's going to be like they're going to totally know that's not true.

Speaker 5:

Maybe we can interview him.

Speaker 3:

I know right Seriously.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

Yeah, so like. But it was so crazy because when I took him he flew out of St Louis and I drove him to the airport from Columbia, missouri, and all the way back I was like, oh my God, he is going to meet a boy. Yeah, a bunny or centerfold Like this is like I'm never going to see him again.

Speaker 1:

Like this was it.

Speaker 3:

This was amazing. I love you. Have a great time. I'm never going to see you again. I mean like all the way back home to Columbia. And the funny thing is is that probably because I mean they were all like seniors in college, but he was like the only person centerfold bunny at all was married to the photographer and that was it. There was not another, like there was no centerfolds.

Speaker 2:

Nothing, wow.

Speaker 3:

Because they didn't trust him. Yeah, college, exactly Right. But he actually he was. Yes, so there was a huge spread in Playboy that year for Playboy All-American.

Speaker 2:

That's amazing. Well, michael just made mine really boring, exactly.

Speaker 6:

That's so good though.

Speaker 3:

But I do have to give credit to Michael because he was like that's what you got to say.

Speaker 6:

We need to post that.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, well, I can get you guys the picture.

Speaker 1:

You should be, oh, my God he had a mullet.

Speaker 3:

They're standing in the desert. Oh my God. And they're all up there, like all of these guys for the Playboy All-American team.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, okay. We're going to post that.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Go with yours, yeah.

Speaker 6:

Come on.

Speaker 2:

I'm five foot tall. I was homecoming queen Yep Yep. I speak three languages fluently.

Speaker 5:

No, no, nope, no, you don't.

Speaker 2:

No, feeding is three.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

You're wrong.

Speaker 4:

You're not five foot.

Speaker 6:

You're 4'11", no, 4'11". What's your?

Speaker 2:

English English yeah, peekaloo and Hong Kong.

Speaker 3:

I got a freaking line of yours, you guys know Hong Kong.

Speaker 2:

I'm not going to get myatee any better than ours.

Speaker 3:

Pardon, peekaloo. Yeah, no use, no use Right, right.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, no need to make a choice yeah, ski, no use, no use Okay.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 5:

So, you've missed up, lenoople. Okay, sit down and make your own choice, go with it.

Speaker 2:

You do think of this. You know, okay, you've known of this for several times now. I think we made it up. I think you made it up. Hong Kong language.

Speaker 1:

And so I think you might have.

Speaker 2:

My name was Tong Hong-a, Song Hong-a, so you say. But we would get the little inflections going. So, like your name, Long-a Song-a and like, like you said, I love you, I love the Long-a Song-a you so like, and we got so good at it. We would talk like a board. The people look at us like we're talking about the language. My mom had no idea how to translate it. But you say vows and then you add a Ong to every consonant. So like your Pong-a-mong. Oh, that sounds great for my name.

Speaker 6:

Yours is a little Ong You're.

Speaker 3:

Song Hong-a-mong. Mine doesn't translate to Hong Kong.

Speaker 2:

Yours is very difficult, Yours is longer, but yeah, so we. But we got like I don't use it anymore because I did it with my dad, but we got so fluent with it Like when we were walking, we'd be at a mall and we would talk back and forth and like we had this whole thing down. So I love it.

Speaker 3:

I freaking love that, I love it.

Speaker 5:

So, but yes you're only 4'11", aren't you?

Speaker 4:

I'm 4'11 and 3 quarter Like I'm like.

Speaker 2:

Well, right there, I'm probably like in the half because I'm getting older. But yes, I never hit the five foot mark. This is me. I never once.

Speaker 4:

And I know that about you too, but the three languages really threw me.

Speaker 5:

I know, I still think you're going to go for the technicality.

Speaker 2:

If I can. I think language is how you communicate, right? So?

Speaker 5:

we can. I could talk about it Like it has to be an official language.

Speaker 2:

Well, I didn't say I speak three official languages. I speak three languages. I can't believe you didn't know people Latin, that's cool.

Speaker 5:

No, I could never speak American.

Speaker 2:

I mean, I had heard it, but I could never.

Speaker 5:

It has to be American.

Speaker 3:

I just was not. I don't know.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, we can do it we have.

Speaker 2:

Irish I love that MP, but yeah, I like my Hong Kong though.

Speaker 6:

We should do a whole segment just to change.

Speaker 5:

Just Trisha, I do.

Speaker 3:

Oh, and Steve, we could tell what she's saying.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, yeah, I got to answer you back in Irish. I will be honest, okay.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, this is an Irish word. We're going to have my languages.

Speaker 5:

We haven't got an Irish word. Do you do a poob boy? A poob boy, oh that'd be oh boong-o-yong.

Speaker 6:

Oh my God, Tell him not to do that.

Speaker 3:

It would never work. That sounds like a different type of boy he was in Playboy.

Speaker 5:

We just went to the X rated version.

Speaker 3:

That's right there with Playboy.

Speaker 5:

Oh, my goodness.

Speaker 2:

We were so cool with it that we had whole communications and no one around us do what we were saying.

Speaker 6:

So your mom didn't hate. You See, this is what we have to do.

Speaker 3:

We have to do a segment when we go on our girls' trip, when we've had not just two glasses of wine, but Pam has a bottle. I have Tito's. I can just do a bottle of wine. I mean, at that point it won't even matter. And then you guys have your bottle of red.

Speaker 2:

And then I'll teach Hong Kong.

Speaker 3:

I mean Hong Kong.

Speaker 5:

I love it.

Speaker 3:

It would be the best. I would totally just be in my pants.

Speaker 6:

Hong Kong in these. We should do it live and see if the audience can understand what you're saying so like wine is wong and on ye.

Speaker 3:

Oh, my God. We have to do this.

Speaker 6:

She's like so confident with it. She goes exactly what it is.

Speaker 3:

You're so stupid.

Speaker 6:

For the rest of it.

Speaker 3:

But, that's the thing we even. She even told us what she was about to say and I still wouldn't guess it. I still don't know what she said.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, I don't know no.

Speaker 2:

That's freaking amazing. Ok, what's?

Speaker 6:


Speaker 2:

That's just a long word Bong and Kong, gong, gong, gong, gong. Oh no, you said that wrong. You were like biting bodies without gong. Oh my God, that's hilarious.

Speaker 3:

Like Kong and Bong.

Speaker 2:

Kong and Bong Kong and Bong. No, I need shorter words Like dog gong gong.

Speaker 5:

I love the way you sing it yeah well, yeah, it's not even like you know, it's not even spoken word.

Speaker 2:

It's like you sing it Like I don't know.

Speaker 4:

I don't know.

Speaker 3:

Oh, my God.

Speaker 6:

That is brilliant, you say it and then Lisa sing it Me and we just drink. Yeah, drink, pam, and I just drink, right along with you guys.

Speaker 2:

Yes, yeah, that was good. Exactly, you put a shot. Every time you hear it all yeah, oh, my gosh, I'd be wasted in like 15 minutes.

Speaker 3:

If you hear this yeah, it's like what is it like? Watch what Happens Live with Haley Cohen. Like if you hear this word take a shot, oh gosh.

Speaker 6:


Speaker 2:

You know I was at last week. You know I was at Atlantic Station and they had a bar that did they gave shots to everyone if there was a fumble. So I was like gosh, it's super bowl, oh, wow, oh, at the Super Bowl. No, they do that if you're watching a game and there's fumbles. So I was just singing the Super Bowl there are some fumbles. They were giving some free shots up for sure.

Speaker 3:

Interesting. Yeah, all right, my kind of bar.

Speaker 5:

Yes, oh, we know each other really well, then, obviously we do.

Speaker 2:

Not at all Right. I think of it. Well, I wouldn't write on you, I was writing you to them. Yeah, and you all know I'm not five foot.

Speaker 3:

I know, I just thought it's to be fair. I know it was a technicality.

Speaker 6:

At least it's like we're a race.

Speaker 4:

It's like I actually think that we were right.

Speaker 2:

I'm not going to let this go.

Speaker 3:

That's right Language is language.

Speaker 1:

It's just like me saying that I was born in Rome, so you know, so I call you met Rome Georgia?

Speaker 5:

I didn't think you met Rome Italy.

Speaker 2:

I did, but I thought you were born in Mississa. I thought.

Speaker 5:

Rome, I knew you haven't been out of the country except to Barbados, and Bahamas, yes, Bahamas, Jamaica Turks I do the Caribbean?

Speaker 6:

Yes, st John, st Thomas, that's it. Uh-huh, nothing further.

Speaker 3:

No, I do want to go to Scotland, ok.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to.

Speaker 3:

Ireland. I'm going to Ireland, I know we need to get Ireland. Ireland and Scotland, it goes together.

Speaker 5:

OK. Right, just making sure, we're going to check out Lisa Kelly. She goes to Scotland and you don't go to Ireland. No, because we're all going together. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. I don't want to go to Scotland though.

Speaker 3:

Why I'm going to Ireland.

Speaker 5:

Don't love it. Ok, you lived in, I do. Yeah, I was lovely.

Speaker 3:

You lived in Ireland so, but I want to go to Ireland. I was like, if we do this together yes, you're going to Scotland, we could do London. Because there's, like you know, my mom's family is the Keiths, so they were big in Scotland. Yeah, in Scotland.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm the famous actor Brian Keith. Oh, who are you? I?

Speaker 3:

don't know about that. I just know they got kicked out one because they picked the wrong sides. The Keiths, Mm-hmm. Maybe they what is it? The grand chancellor or something? I don't know my dad's all into like all of that stuff. Wow, and you have to like some of like. I mean their castles are like not really standing. I mean there's like a tower here and there.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, of course, the same at Ireland, though there's very few of them, still it's standing.

Speaker 3:

But yeah, I would love that. I want to go to the Highland Games.

Speaker 4:

Oh, yeah, yeah, but I do feel like I won't come back.

Speaker 5:

No, I'm going to touch one of those.

Speaker 4:

They're going to keep you.

Speaker 3:

I'm going to teach one of those or touch one of those rocks and like get zapped back just like Outlander. Oh, I feel like it's going to happen.

Speaker 5:

Yeah we need a girls' trip.

Speaker 3:

So if we all go together. Don't let me touch any rocks.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 3:

Or wander around a random old, super old building. Ok, I could just get zapped right back into it and tell my treasure talk Right, so we can't let them touch anything. I like that.

Speaker 5:

Treasure can't talk Hong Kong-ish.

Speaker 3:

We're not jumping off any building and you're not jumping, and so we all make it back home safe and sound OK. Exactly Because I would not do well in like the 12th or 13th century.

Speaker 5:

And with my like kind of degree in theology I can look after you.

Speaker 3:

Exactly you can. Lisa is going, we're going to give her a flag, so she's going to be the leader of. I'm the leader.

Speaker 5:

I will be the leader, so like.

Speaker 3:

You'll see those people walking around New York with a flag. She did the flag in like a mug.

Speaker 2:

And we called it Hong.

Speaker 5:

Kong, yeah, no, hong Kong, carly.

Speaker 6:

We speak.

Speaker 3:

Hong Kong Can you even imagine if we took the show overseas Like seriously? I can't even imagine if we take the show to shadow. There's a word for the show.

Speaker 6:

It starts with the S and ends in show. Oh, it's that show.

Speaker 3:

I don't know, I just can't even. Oh dear God, I know. Seriously, lisa, you would have a flag. She's our tour guide. I think Lisa's about to go.

Speaker 6:

You would get killed in Ireland, I know.

Speaker 5:

We would get killed in Ireland, I would just go. They're American, they're not, it's fine.

Speaker 3:

And you're like and actually I just feel, really they're like no, Lisa's like.

Speaker 6:

that's what Lisa Kelly impersonated.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's a fan. They're fans, lisa.

Speaker 6:


Speaker 3:

They are super fans and these people are, and I don't know who they are, so we're just going to like push them to the side, because it's just you know what's sad I've never been to another country, except for on a cruise, except for Tijuana.

Speaker 2:

What I walked across to Tijuana you went to.

Speaker 3:

Tijuana yeah. That's the country that you chose to go to, I did.

Speaker 2:

To see your frogs and you went there to see your frogs, okay, but you made it.

Speaker 4:

That was the thing.

Speaker 3:

But those were in the US.

Speaker 4:

I didn't have a passport there.

Speaker 2:

There was a senior frogs in Orange Beach. I don't know, back then that was quite a walk back Back then. There's a lot of us going there Because that wasn't 21 yet. I was 18 a long time ago.

Speaker 3:

I cannot believe that you went to Tijuana though Across the From San Diego.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, San Diego with.

Speaker 1:

Tijuana didn't have a passport.

Speaker 2:

But, I've only been to other countries on a cruise ship. I've never flown to another country.

Speaker 3:

Oh my gosh Like I said, I've only been to the Caribbean countries. And I love them. I mean, because I'm such a beach girl, you need to go to Europe. Europe is great. Well, I will tell you this I'm supposed to go to England Because one of our really good friends, she's from there, and so this year we're going to the Dominican, but the next year, so 2025. Nice, nice, you'll love it. I'm going to England.

Speaker 4:

Well, part, do you?

Speaker 3:

know. Well, she's from Birmingham. Peaky Blinders Go to London. Well, I mean, I think we're going to. I mean obviously we would fly in.

Speaker 5:

No. Yes, you need to go to London. Yes, no, we're going to London. London's nice. Paris is nice. Yes, be fun. Australia, yeah, australia's fabulous.

Speaker 3:

Okay. So my problem is we all know that I absolutely love four to five inch heels, stilettos and the cobblestone streets. Like, how do you do that? Oh, you'd be fine.

Speaker 5:

I'm drunk, you'd be drunk Be, like every deal.

Speaker 3:

Okay, so obviously you know that you guys have been out with me.

Speaker 5:

Now you're going to fit in so well with your high heels, your fake tan. I know they're going to actually think you're English while you're there. Really yeah yeah, yeah, except you're taller than most English people, but still you have the fake tan, the high heels.

Speaker 3:

You are Like everybody in London looks like that.

Speaker 2:

You don't even know us Really. Yeah, just practice your accent. I don't know, so I can't be like well, how are y'all doing?

Speaker 6:

No, and I don't talk Hong Kong, I don't know there's that you don't think that, like I don't know? When I was in Paris, people knew I was American.

Speaker 3:

I feel like I didn't stand out.

Speaker 5:

Americans. Look American though, but see, that's what I'm saying.

Speaker 3:

I look American.

Speaker 5:

But, I can pick Irish and English people in America, so like if I look at somebody I would be able to tell if they're Irish.

Speaker 6:

Because in Paris they're usually because my back can speak French. They were like she's American, but I was like I felt I was taller than people.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so I feel like I'm going to stand out.

Speaker 2:

So I need to go to England.

Speaker 5:

if you're taller than people I'd be like you'd be fine in Ireland and England general Kind of short.

Speaker 3:

OK, well, 2025. There you go. Ashley's heading her past the pond. Excellent, I'm going to just hang out in all the pubs. Excellent and I don't drink beer, so that's amazing.

Speaker 5:

You don't need to. We're very like, we're very posh. There'll be Cheetos there. There's plenty of Cheetos, yeah, and gin and tonics. Gin and tonic is huge.

Speaker 3:

Oh my God, I haven't had that since college. Oh, a gin and tonic oh my God, no, I got so sick on those.

Speaker 5:

I want to say we sell Cheetos, but like they're obviously smart off, yeah, mom is.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, whatever, yeah, no gin and tonics no 91 gin and tonics would be not good for me.

Speaker 5:

No, no 1991 or 91 gin and tonics no 1991.

Speaker 3:

I had a little bit of both. Yeah, no no 1991 at the Field House in Columbia, missouri. They would do like dollar gin and tonics and yeah, no, crazy. You know it's funny, like when you get sick on something you don't really want to remember.

Speaker 5:

Oh, yeah, yeah, I can't try.

Speaker 3:

I can't even smell it.

Speaker 2:

Malibu. No, you know what, like you, do have a version that and my mom, when we were sick like we had this and she always gave us cherry 7-up, and now the thought of that makes me want to throw up.

Speaker 5:

Oh yeah, Cherry 7-up. We always had flash 7-up when we were sick.

Speaker 3:

So yeah, like no fizz, no bubbles, but that's what usually would help the tummy right. Is the bubbles major, oh no.

Speaker 5:

No, we would boil it in Ireland to get rid of the bubbles in us.

Speaker 3:

But isn't it the bubbles that help you?

Speaker 5:

better. I don't know. I don't know, and not according to our grandmother's flat 7-up.

Speaker 3:

Well, my mom always gave us Like carbonation, no, the peach juice.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, when we were sick.

Speaker 3:

Like when we had our like, our like, so funny story. This is going someplace. Lisa, it actually does know me very well, yeah. So my mom would always give us peach juice like from the can. Thanks, drain, you know, if I give your tummy her or whatever.

Speaker 3:

And so the only time that my parents ever left me in charge of the house went horribly wrong, horribly wrong. So I was a senior, my parents flew to Vegas. I was in charge of my sister. That again went horribly wrong and had like a party. My mom loved fuzzy navels, oh yeah, yeah. And so like we had a bar in like the formal living room and like just stocked with all kinds of nonsense. But I thought, oh, I'm going to be super sophisticated, drink all these fuzzy navels, like this is.

Speaker 3:

So the weekend was fantastic. I mean just so much chaos, like crazy stuff. So my parents, like I, knew they were getting ready to come home Because obviously back then we didn't really have cell phones and I realized that we had drank almost all of the peach snops and I couldn't make it to the beverage store Because I usually could buy, even at 18, yes, and I was panicking. So I went to the cupboard and got all of the peaches and poured all of the juice Genius Into the snops bottle, put it back up there and I just prayed and she never noticed that there was pulp like floating around.

Speaker 5:

Oh my god.

Speaker 3:

So, like for like the next two weeks, mom would have her like little fuzzy navel and I would just be like, oh my god, she's going to notice, she's going to be like, oh my god, like what it says, and she never, never, that's amazing so amazing.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

I know so Well cheers to you guys Cheers, you guys Happy cheers.

Speaker 5:

Cheers to craziness yes craziness, cheers, happy friends. Happy friends Follow me. Oh my gosh.

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