Season 2 - We’re Back!

Ashley Bedosky, Lisa Kelly, Dr. Pam Wright, and Trisha Kennedy Roman Season 2 Episode 1

As we fling open the doors to another season of Middle Ageish, we can't help but revel in the evolution of our friendships and the community that's grown with us. We're ready to share those stories that make you laugh, nod in agreement, or simply feel seen in the middle of your own midlife plot twist.  We’re unpacking it all with a blend of humor and authenticity!

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Middle-Age-ish podcast, authentically and unapologetically, keeping it real, discussing all things middle-age-ish, a time when metabolism slows and confidence grows. Join fashion and fitness entrepreneur Ashley Badosky, former Celtic woman and founder of the Lisa Kelly Voice Academy, lisa Kelly, licensed psychologist and mental health expert, dr Pam Wright, and highly sought-after cosmetic injector and board-certified nurse practitioner, trisha Kennedy-Roman. Join your hosts on the journey of Middle-Age-ish.

Speaker 2:

Hello and welcome to season two of Middle-Age-ish podcast. I'm Trisha Kennedy-Roman and I'm joined here today with my co-host, ash Sabadasky, lisa Kelly and Dr Pam Wright, and we are excited to be back for season two I know,

Speaker 4:

You wouldn't think it.

Speaker 2:

I know. So we were talking about before we started recording, because a lot of our good talk was always before we started recording Was the first night when you guys thought you were just coming before to talk about it and we ended up recording episode one of season one.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, that was kind of the beginning.

Speaker 3:

She tried to ask.

Speaker 5:

I say it every single time, Just turn on the mic and let's see what happens.

Speaker 3:

This is Trisha and I'm like hey, I could have figured out a way to get out of there immediately. I would have, but my brain went on a freeze.

Speaker 2:

Ash was like I don't want to talk to the mic, and then the next week, hello.

Speaker 3:

So ridiculous. That was the beauty of it, though as well.

Speaker 4:

It's like that role kind of everybody getting to know each other kind of thing there's always, always been a recipe for success, I think, for people, because you kind of you learn about each other along with your audience. Yeah so organic Super cool yeah.

Speaker 3:

And now that like doing something like this with friends that you've known forever. That's probably fantastic too, but definitely, you know, you learn something new about each other every time and we share it with everybody, which is fun. That's the point, exactly Right.

Speaker 5:

I'm excited for a new year. It's going to be great and so many fun guests.

Speaker 3:

I just can't even imagine what I'm going to learn now.

Speaker 2:

I know we find a lot in the story.

Speaker 3:

That's what I'm like. I am excited, terrified again. So I'm having the same emotions, just thinking what am I going to learn new this?

Speaker 4:

go round. I know, but we get to do it all in this gorgeous new space oh my gosh.

Speaker 3:

I wish everybody could see it.

Speaker 1:

It's so stunning.

Speaker 2:

It's fun I've seen it because we're on video today. Yeah, oh, okay.

Speaker 4:

But they're not going to be the full tour, but this room is beautiful.

Speaker 3:

Yes, yeah, so Trisha's genius, I mean seriously, it needs to be an interior decorator. You should have been so fancy and fabulous, for sure.

Speaker 2:

Oh to stick with needles.

Speaker 3:

Okay, well, rooms spaces, oh, it's like your hobby is Exhaust spaces. Yeah, oh, it's so pretty.

Speaker 4:

The color so pretty. Yeah, I know it's absolutely stunning.

Speaker 3:

Congrats, you did a great job.

Speaker 4:

Fabulous, fabulous space.

Speaker 3:

Thank you, yeah, you guys like oh my gosh, is there something? Yeah?

Speaker 2:

I know Dead space, dead space.

Speaker 3:

Well, yeah, puzzles are okay, I have this feeling so nervous in puzzles, and I don't know why.

Speaker 4:

I do that too, but I think that's part of being socially awkward too. But like I hate there to be a puzzle, Then you say something stupid. You're like why did I say that? You know?

Speaker 5:

what that was, I don't know. They train us of how to sit there for forever in psychology and I'll just sit there forever and say nothing.

Speaker 4:

That's not very good for the podcast.

Speaker 5:

When they're just like, I don't know what to say. You're just like, yeah.

Speaker 3:

but if I'm wondering, about that they're with, but it's on purpose and is it supposed to like get a reaction or get them to?

Speaker 5:

like Just to get them to talk. I think people have a misnomer about the difference in coaching and being a psychologist and therapist Like we feel like you have your own answers and you have to get to the answers and good psychologists don't just tell you always what to do. Yeah, so you kind of find your own, because then you're dependent on a psychologist more than just figuring it out yourself.

Speaker 5:

So sometimes it's like but it used to be so uncomfortable because I'm like, oh my gosh, we're going to have the Mexicans stare down. You know, we sit here for 10 minutes and this kid's saying like I don't want to be here and I'm going to talk to you, and you're just like, oh okay, well, let's figure out something you want to talk about, and then you just sit there and it's silent, you know, but it's eventually.

Speaker 4:

People usually talk because they know, don't like retrain like train people, in that you know what I mean, because they could just think you're just as interested or you've nothing to add to it.

Speaker 5:

So I've been a supervisor for gosh 10 years and all of my supervisors you'll listen to their tapes and they'll sit in like you know 10 seconds and it's like they jump in and I'm like, don't jump in, you know, but it's hard because you're so trained, like if it feels uncomfortable, you just want to jump in and like feel just space, but it's not always what's best. Yeah, and that scenario. But you know, in the podcast that would be very awkward. Hey, let's just sit here for 10 minutes.

Speaker 3:

I literally probably the walking version of Dr Pam's worst nightmare.

Speaker 2:

You know, instead of a guess, we could play the quiet game. No.

Speaker 3:

I need to try yeah but maybe I was the kid in school that always got in trouble because I would talk too much. No, I'm shucking out. We got the desk moved up to the teacher's desk and then I got it moved to the corner Like they moved you to their desk and then went oh no. No, seriously, because it was like oh, hello Hi. So what made you get into teaching, do you?

Speaker 2:

like math.

Speaker 3:

Yes, and then I got moved to the corner. I mean, every freaking time your shirt is fabulous, or can you do something with your low? I'm weird.

Speaker 2:

I know I remember my chair. Did you guys have the chairs and have the desk attached?

Speaker 3:

Yes, I remember it because I'm not right handed, I'm on the other side.

Speaker 2:

I remember my chair being grabbed and pulled out into the hallway because I wouldn't quit talking. So yeah, I got in trouble.

Speaker 4:

You did.

Speaker 2:

I can't imagine you getting in trouble for that. Oh my gosh, if I get my, I was most talkative in my senior, like my your book, no, oh wow, yeah, I cannot imagine that I was really quiet.

Speaker 3:

And that's why I just love school. I loved it.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, social.

Speaker 3:

That was just me too. I was that way Eight hours a day, I just, and then when I got home, I probably just went to sleep because I was exhausted.

Speaker 2:

It's a really tough day. Oh my gosh, it's amazing.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I know, I think just gave me good gracious to get out of there and move on.

Speaker 4:

Oh, now I hated school, did you really? I was in an old girl's school from the time, like for high school, so I was old girls and I hated that because I was such a. I was such a boy girl.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

I was almost a different boy.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, Like I mean there was no choice in our lives because, like boy for high school was all boys, all girls, they were never. It was never mixed.

Speaker 5:

So did y'all. Y'all never got to combine like do dances or things with a boy group or what we don't do dances like you do dances.

Speaker 4:

We had discos, so like they were away. So they're all Catholic schools in Ireland Anyway. So we're never going to have a dance in the Catholic schools. So we would go to like those, you know local rugby clubs and on a Friday and Saturday, like they'd have discos. Is that like a dance? It was like a disco. No, no, not like it.

Speaker 3:

So like 54? Yeah.

Speaker 4:

Shut up, lots of bad things going on. Oh wow, yeah, well, it was like it was run by other teens. Oh oh, we're all like wow, oh yeah, should have grown up in. Oh, I should be Irish. Yes, it was yes. Yes, it was fun.

Speaker 4:

So are schools mixed now or is it still all girls? Yeah, there's a lot of. So there's a lot of schools, like a lot of public schools, that are mixed, and then there's a lot of non-denominational schools in Ireland as well. So, yeah, it's kind of the all girls, but the majority are still all girls. All boys Interesting, yeah, it was hard. It was hard especially because your primary school, so your junior, your elementary school, so we go from. We would go from pre-K up to sixth grade. That's your primary school, and then your high school is seventh through 12. So up until sixth grade you're with boys and then, once you go into seventh grade, most of the time, did you guys?

Speaker 3:

when you start liking them, I'm junior high. Did you guys have junior high? Yes, okay, yeah. So, seventh and eighth grade.

Speaker 2:

Like it was in middle school we just were seventh and eighth.

Speaker 4:

Which makes more sense, because I think there's a huge difference between sixth grade and seventh grade, like in development with boys, I think so, yeah, but now they're all kind of swimming together.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, school here is yeah, it was called middle school or junior high.

Speaker 5:

Junior high. That's what it was. Yeah, yeah, it was junior high. Yeah, seventh and eighth. I read about those, we went to those. We went to those.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, cherokee, that was my junior high.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Very cool.

Speaker 2:

We had the same school seventh through 12. There was a little in the middle of cornfield I love that, yeah, so it was three towns combined. It was seventh through 12th grade. Like we had barn warming. I always thought everyone had barn warming, but apparently that's not. What was barn warming. It was at our barn. At our school we had a big bar you had a barn at your school.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we were literally at the cornfield. I'm not kidding, oh my, I mean, we want pictures. Yeah, that's fantastic. Yeah, it was. Yeah, wow, rawls County, missouri.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 3:

Wow, I do love the fact that we grew up in Missouri, both of us.

Speaker 4:

It's very cool, we didn't have a barn, no.

Speaker 2:

We had a convent though we didn't have a convent.

Speaker 4:

We didn't have a convent yeah, we had a convent. It was very cool. Yeah, very, very cool Cool little school.

Speaker 2:

You know I think we've talked about it before, but I don't know what to say around but the monastery, monastery, monastery, monastery, monastery, monastery, monastery, monastery.

Speaker 4:

Monastery Monks yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yes, or it's like it's near what's conventary?

Speaker 5:

It's so cool. St Conyers is very cool, so you can go and visit.

Speaker 3:

And we are starting this year off. Great, because I did not know that. So there's, it's my. I don't think you were here the night we talked about. Yeah, oh, I did not know that they were interesting, yeah.

Speaker 5:

I think it could even go and do Weekends.

Speaker 2:

We've kind of like the prayer sessions and it's a coolest. It's just a neat sound. They do the chanting.

Speaker 4:

It's amazing yeah it's really interesting. We've loads of monasteries at home, but I don't know if they're. I'm sure they are open to the public, but I've never been.

Speaker 2:

I didn't think that they would be. They go during their. If you go on their website, even, you can see the open prayer sessions. We went up into a bow. It was an evening. It was really cool. We'd just thought of balcony and listen to their prayer session. I'm sure there's private ones too, but you might go.

Speaker 3:

There's some amazing energy.

Speaker 2:

It's cool, the one there. They have a gift shop and you can buy homemade stuff. It's very nice.

Speaker 5:

It's really cool. They used to have anything where you could go for weekends. I don't know if they do, but it's like a no-phone. No, I mean, there's always certain things that you can take with you and you stay for the entire weekend, but no phones, no, nothing, probably just a serenity, Heavenly.

Speaker 4:

I do not. I think I died without my phone, Like I actually even the four minutes that I do borrow without my phone, I'm like I think I would just absolutely love to tell everybody Check out, I am unflat, I don't.

Speaker 2:

I think I'd go with Zerall, but I think in the end I'd feel better.

Speaker 3:

As long as I knew there would be a way that my kids could get a hold of us if there was an emergency, that would be the only thing. No, I would love to go without my phone.

Speaker 5:

Oh my gosh, that would just make me so happy. I'm with you.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I want to go back to the bag phone 1987. Amazing, that's what we need to do.

Speaker 5:

I just not all the time, but for like a week at a time, like if you're going to cruise and then you don't get the you know internet thing and you just put your phone in the safe and then you just like no one carries me for a week.

Speaker 3:

I mean it really is, because I knew when Michael and I went to.

Speaker 4:

Jamaica we thought we had the international plan.

Speaker 3:

Well that didn't work, but it actually turned out to be. I mean, for like the first hour he panicked. It was just amazing.

Speaker 4:

I don't think I think I'd have for like major anxiety with this.

Speaker 3:

I think it's one or the other you know, I think that there's, yeah, I mean, and that's OK too.

Speaker 2:

You know it's funny. We were at a restaurant the other day and they had a phone with a cord like a landline and this little kid walked in and like, look, mommy, that's what they had the olden days.

Speaker 4:

I was like we're from the olden days.

Speaker 2:

Did you have any of you?

Speaker 4:

have a phone in your house, no.

Speaker 2:

No, we have a cordless landline. I mean, it's a boy.

Speaker 3:

No, no, I think we got rid of ours last year, so I mean I got for as long as it took.

Speaker 4:

Now I haven't had a landline. Gosh, I think it. Oh my God, I don't think I've had a landline since 2060. That's crazy.

Speaker 5:

That's probably about right, though it's weird that people still ask you on forums home number, some number and you're like they're the same. Why are you asking me that?

Speaker 3:

It's so crazy. I just I don't know, but not surprising that I don't like technology.

Speaker 4:

So I mean, but like some of the things you can do like I can track Scott's flight, I know when he's on the plane, when it's landed, if he's doing it, like those kind of things I think are pretty amazing when you think about the time you used to go out to airports and just wait for people to arrive and you wouldn't know if they made their flight or if they were on their flight or if they were standing randomly. I remember waiting at an airport for about four hours for someone and not knowing that they were delayed. Ok, and I'm like Stan, didn't I? That wasn't that long.

Speaker 3:

OK, that's true, and I will say track your bag, oh don't. Or they send you a picture. Do we have your bag? Oh my gosh. I will tell you that that is the one thing that I love about technology, and all of its greatness is that I can track my bags. Yeah, I think that's pretty cool too. That's nice. I don't know what I would do if we were pushed back and my bags weren't. Well, that can be a little complicated. Where is it? I mean, that could get a little complicated. Luckily, I haven't had that problem, but it does make me. I will say, when we are on the flight, sitting there maybe having a glass of Chardonnay, I am watching my phone, I got my bags and as soon as that last bag comes on because we all know that I travel with a ridiculous amount of luggage when that last bag clears, I'm like now we can bring out the champagne.

Speaker 4:

This is amazing. Let's just make this slide hard. He's going to make sure you don't have a connection anywhere. I can't.

Speaker 3:

Well, atlanta, it's hard to get a connection. No, granted, we don't fly overseas that often and we at places that is a drive, yeah, yeah, I get it. Oh my gosh, I get us. So, yeah, so we luckily knock on wood, we haven't had a flight with a connection.

Speaker 4:

For the amount of that I've traveled, I actually have only lost my bags maybe three times.

Speaker 3:

I've only said too much, that is true. That's actually really good.

Speaker 2:

Three times.

Speaker 4:

Did you?

Speaker 2:

get them back, or did they like lost?

Speaker 4:

Yeah, yeah, no, no, I got them back. Yeah, no, I got them back, which is always fast, Was it like three days late yeah. Ok, which is like that was a nightmare, because the last time I was in Dublin I was only there for five days.

Speaker 3:

I think you're like oh.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I was yeah, so that was annoying, but yeah, no, but I've only lost them about three times, which is pretty good.

Speaker 3:

That's amazing. That gives me hope.

Speaker 4:

Because I really definitely is better.

Speaker 3:

It is Like you just. Yeah, you just have that sense of security. Yeah, I feel the same about my kids. Once I was going to say I need that with my kids is better.

Speaker 2:

I love technology. Yeah, life 360. I like what Life 360.

Speaker 3:

Although I will say that we did release Stephen, my oldest, from life 360, unless he's traveling like crazy places, and then I like for him to plug back in.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, he takes his love sometimes oh turn around.

Speaker 3:

Try, does that? He's like no, you're a stalker. Well, I was like well, do I not still pay your bills? Exactly, that's true.

Speaker 4:

Good point, so I don't pay Key and Spilda.

Speaker 3:

OK, well, this is just for a try Because, like I said, stephen, we have released my hold, I mean he is 26.

Speaker 5:

Oh wait.

Speaker 3:

That's time.

Speaker 5:

He's like a playfully. He's a big boy now.

Speaker 3:

So the baby. On the other hand and he's probably the one that I need to track the most Right he would even probably admit that.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, it's just the peace of mind. I mean. I'd love to sneakily put it on my parents' phone.

Speaker 3:

So the word they are OK, so there's the funny story. So back in, trey was still in I don't even know if it was he in middle school, maybe freshman in high school and they had gone. Tell me if I've repeated this story before Speaking of like what is it where we are?

Speaker 2:

What's the old word Deltery? Yeah, I was just saying that out.

Speaker 4:

So, they had gone to Myrtle.

Speaker 3:

Beach for a football camp, and my youngest does have a tendency to sometimes not make great choices. He's been arrested, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Thank goodness, and he's got some amazing guardian angels. That after well, I had some amazing guardian angels, he does too. So when we passed, they're going to be like we tap out, like we're tired, but like we're done, yeah. So, whatever reason, michael, my husband was down there. I wake up in the middle of the night which hardly never happens and I look at my phone. I'm like I'm just going to, I'm going to see. So it showed Tray in the middle of the ocean.

Speaker 3:

I lost my mind. Lost my mind, I mean couldn't get ahold of Michael. At first. It was probably like 2.30 in the morning and I was like he's been kidnapped. That's what's happening. He's been kidnapped. He's been dumped in the ocean. I knew this was going to happen.

Speaker 1:

I don't know.

Speaker 3:

And to get to Michael, I mean calling the desk of the condo like literally repeat of Michael finally got him. I was hysterical, I was like he's been kidnapped, he's been dumped in the ocean. That's all. I found out that sometimes life 360 is not always accurate, correct.

Speaker 4:

It's sorry. Before you go on, can you please tell people how tall Tray is?

Speaker 5:

Who I would have kidnapped him.

Speaker 3:

Well, no, okay, I mean he was 6'7", okay, but back in high school, you guys? No, he was little.

Speaker 4:

Okay, what's little to you, though.

Speaker 3:

Maybe like 6'1". That's okay. I'm 6 feet, my husband's 6'5", my oldest, well, 6'4", 6'5". Okay, leave it at that. My oldest is the exact same, so 6'4", 6'5". But Tray, he was supposed to be like 6'8" when he was little. That's what we had been told. So then obviously he didn't get his gross spurt.

Speaker 2:

We had to tell him about gross spurt here because I was wondering, like when I was still.

Speaker 3:

I never hit my gross spurt Right. So it's all relative, I totally understand that. But yeah, so like 6'1" scrawny, I mean I had a thousand percent. I was like he's been kidnapped. He did something stupid, like pissed off some kind of person and they just kidnapped him and dumped him in the ocean. So, michael I finally got to Michael. He had to go find Tray and his bedroom banging on the door. He was like, oh my God, maybe he's not there. Well, it was 2'3" in the morning. Both boys were asleep, tray's, like what is happening? Yeah, so that is when I did really realize that there's just an area. Yeah, it gives you a proximity. And because they were staying on the ocean, he was in the ocean, he was in the ocean.

Speaker 4:

I had to, like you know, bring him in, bring him with an ocean view Right.

Speaker 3:

But he was in the ocean, he'd been dumped. That's so funny. Oh my God, guys, can you even imagine? The insanity that I was in that moment.

Speaker 5:

I'm so proud you didn't get in the car and just start driving.

Speaker 3:

Oh, I was about to call the FBI. Like I mean, we were just going to, we were going to have to escalate this, Michael, you're so ridiculous, so funny.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, it can be hard to navigate.

Speaker 3:

It's a bum I know that's why Tray's terrified Like he tries to always come off of it because he's like she's going to absolutely freak out.

Speaker 4:

But no one time that you might need to know where they are. That's like that's. Oh, if they break down so. I know they can always turn it on. But you're like, yeah, I mean Tray and I had that conversation this past weekend.

Speaker 3:

I was like listen, I just need to know, like when you're going different places, because he just picks up and goes places.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 3:

I'm just like, I just need that one little connection, not trying to stalk you. Ish Shallowed history, it's 23. But he's still in the family, still in college, everybody.

Speaker 5:

That's my disclaimer, I'm so angry, I'm so angry, I'm angry. So I was still here, bill.

Speaker 4:

I get to know where you are. Yeah, I do think that that's fair, I think that's right, I agree.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so he's still in college and yeah, yeah, that's fair Right.

Speaker 4:

So there's that. There is that, and then online shopping, which like. Well, what would we do without our phones? For a lot of shopping.

Speaker 3:

That's true, okay, I'm.

Speaker 4:

that is a pretty good thing you have to have that, yeah, but I actually probably don't need it. Oh yeah, yeah, I would. I'd just take it to my mom's. But it's just an instant, like the instantaneous gratification of going. I'm not about that now, Like it's unreal.

Speaker 2:

I agree with that. You have to sleepy shop like as I'm falling asleep on play. I always go to Amazon and then at one time I woke up in the morning and said I had ordered a whole desk set. I was fall asleep.

Speaker 1:

I remember looking at it and I guess, as I was falling asleep, oh my gosh so I was able to cancel it.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, sometimes I get seven. Oh my God, because I kind of was scrolling as I was falling asleep and oh, I'm drunk eBay, I would say Drunk eBay.

Speaker 4:

I'm not into eBay anymore. I don't, no. I'm looking for something that is discontinued. That's the only time I've kind of held.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, if I have a candle in my line or I find a T-tier match and then I can't find it anywhere else. I'll always check eBay and then I'll go to Etsy maybe, but that's the only time is if I can find something. I'm hoping somebody else is trying to get rid of us. Yeah, but I had a friend who ended up buying a diamond ring on eBay when she was drunk. Oh hi, she was like they're not going to beat me. They're not going to beat me, I'm going to be a high, I'll go.

Speaker 3:

It's dangerous, that is dangerous, it's not even just with drink, for whatever reason at night. I don't know what goes on with my brain, but I like that's one of the things that I'm really trying, although I failed last night.

Speaker 3:

I ended up buying. Okay, do you guys know Good American? It's like, okay, I'm not a huge Kardashian fan, okay, just FYI, but it's one of the sisters. But it had this beautiful black blazer and like these, like skinny jeans, and I was like I woke up this morning and like, oh my God, I actually hit buy, so I have this entire outfit coming, and like I did not buy, I need to get off all types of retail situation at night.

Speaker 5:

Retail therapy at night.

Speaker 2:

Speaking of retail, let's do our fab finds. Oh yeah, I had to think about it, because the last thing I got was what Lisa told us about last week. That was like what is that?

Speaker 4:

Immaculate yes.

Speaker 5:

We were laughing at you because you were like I have nothing good and I was like you have to have good things.

Speaker 3:

I was like you have the best. Yes, Come on.

Speaker 4:

To be fair, your beauty finds probably went into your interior design because there's some very beautiful, very true, 100%, not wrong. Yeah. And I think sometimes, when you're just trying, I mean you deal with beauty all day. That's what I do every day. So I feel, yeah, I'd be the same with music. It's hard for me sometimes to kind of find music or like, because I'm like so when you like, you're just like I'm done.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, I'm done.

Speaker 4:

Okay. Well, I'll have five lines, if you guys Okay.

Speaker 3:

Oh me, yes, oh, okay. So I, we didn't set it a limit, I know. So I have a limit, I'll do it super fast. Okay, so I am one that loves a good dupe for something like one of the big you know, like my seer thing. So I absolutely love Tarte. I said I love them for years.

Speaker 3:

I have found the best dupe for me to Tarte you can get. It's called Colourpop. They have like all these different colors. The eyeshadow, like the consistency is so much like Tarte and it's like a fraud. You get this at the like Walgreens Target. Deja vu yeah, that's a cool name, Deja vu, yeah. So I know this one's going to have like darker, but then look all of you.

Speaker 1:

Well, you can all see, yeah, I can't.

Speaker 3:

Oh, I love all the natural Guys. It's amazing and it's just like for a fraction of the price and literally the eyeshadow consistency is the same my favorite thing, I know. I get so excited. Everyone knows I love a good spray tan. Yes, okay. But have you ever like, had a spray tan and like you like, but you've got sleeveless or you're wearing like shorts, whatever, and you just want your skin to be completely flawless? Yes, okay, guys, this Westmore Fantastic. You just put it on your skin like that. Okay, the brush is like crazy, I can't have it up. I know we're all like we don't like this. Oh, here you go, just take care. Yeah, okay, I'll give you a little tip.

Speaker 3:

Guys, it literally takes all the flaws out of your skin. Okay, so this brush needs to be clean.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

So just take it and you do this. Now, obviously this is when I usually have, like my spray tan on and it's lovely, though. Oh, I mean, and they come in different shades, guys.

Speaker 2:

It is like the ball, which is a picture, problem no.

Speaker 3:

So it's the Westmore Beauty, yeah, westmore Beauty, and it is lasting effects. I am telling you guys, like when I was at the wedding, this pot, oh well, New Year's Eve weekend, so like I had my spray tan, but you can, just you know your skin like I don't know, like it just gets in perfections.

Speaker 2:

I took this.

Speaker 3:

I did it and you just puff it all around, cute and like you have, like there's nothing.

Speaker 4:

That is amazing. There's no dimples. There's no nothing, george, of online golden radiance? Yeah, where do you order it from?

Speaker 5:

I did it from their website, I from their website.

Speaker 3:

Fantastic. Wow, love it. Yeah, some of my faves. He's like three. I don't have that three. You brought three Girl, I have you more. Okay, who loves Laura Mercier and Andrea? I love that one. And solution powder yes, that is so good, I love it. It is like it is my staple for sure, always, forever.

Speaker 4:

Wow, yeah, so those are like some Laura Mercier.

Speaker 3:

She's amazing, she really is good, yeah, and I used to do it with, like the Beauty Blender, but I actually love these like little triangle things that you get from like Walgreens or Walmart.

Speaker 2:

I'm just kidding, she's a brush. Yeah, that's cool. Obviously she's a brush, but I have that on. Oh, no, I have a brush too. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

So, anyway, those are some of like things that I just watched. I like them, but you guys, I'm telling you this one right here, that's for the win. I mean you'll get like a different color because I mean, again I did this one because I'm usually with a spray tan on, but Awesome, I like that. Everyone will think your skin is just flawless, I know.

Speaker 2:

So, anyway, those are my full Wow. So what's in your cat bag, in my cat bag? I know, I love that, I love that.

Speaker 5:

I want that, thank you, you know this from Friends. Yes.

Speaker 3:

And I want that in my bag.

Speaker 4:

So my son, jack, bought me this. Okay, so I brought, like, my essentials. I actually didn't go down the makeup route. Well, I did for one. I actually have a full of the things that like. So this is what we were talking about last week.

Speaker 1:

That's why I made you all buy last week. I'm excited. This is the L-Mac-E-Ash.

Speaker 4:

And it's like a skin tightener for under your eyes. Now I did find, after I've been wearing it a bit, as I was saying to you, I know you said, oh, this was not air last week, and it can sit a little bit into the creases of your eyes and make them a little bit more pronounced. So you just need a teeny, tiny, tiny, tiny. Okay, so that's it. I love that and this is my most prized possession. This is my tweezer mask.

Speaker 5:

Yes, oh, my God, yes, I love it.

Speaker 4:

I love it, so it like I will always have a tweezer mask Right. So what's it called Tweezer?

Speaker 2:

mask, tweezer mask. Tweezer mask is the best.

Speaker 4:

Yes, and the lifetime guarantee and you can send them back.

Speaker 2:

And they're perfect.

Speaker 4:

And they have all different kind of blades and stuff. I always lose them. Okay, I love that. Okay, so for your red cheeks, because I have really red cheeks, as everyone's going to see. So this is CC Bear Red, correct by I don't I buy. It's a Korean skin therapy and someone else recommended it online and it is literally the best thing.

Speaker 4:

So you just put it with your, like your daytime, like your well, I put it on at night, go to bed Because, like, as soon as I take my makeup off, my cheeks are like, so I use this and it, literally it doesn't make you green. You know the way you put it on.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, yeah, this is a lovely cream. You can all try this, actually, because that's really nice. I bought it online. Okay, it's Erborian, erborian cream, skin therapy, nice, I literally like my favorite thing. And then for eyelashes, this is my lash boost from Rodin and Fields.

Speaker 3:

You've told yeah, because I've asked you about your lashes before.

Speaker 4:

Literally Okay, the best thing Can make your eyes a little sore, but you know, no pain, no pain. This is the brand new Seven From Boots in the UK, so this is the moisturizing foundation that I wear all the time. I heard really good things about Number 7. Number 7 is excellent. They have a protect serum as well that they use, but I don't use serums that much because but I love this Hydro luminous and then Laniage lips, oh yes, it's good stuff.

Speaker 5:

I have that. It's so good.

Speaker 3:

It's so good I didn't need so much Lips, have got neutral.

Speaker 4:

Oh, it's so good, it's good, it's good, that's the best. And then I got this on Etsy, because everyone was talking about castor oil for your face.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, I've heard about that, for like your eyebrows and stuff. When you went the telly and for your hair Over my face.

Speaker 5:

I've heard of hair, everything.

Speaker 3:

Well, we all know that my hair is made of how to induce labor.

Speaker 4:

Do you know that? Wait, what Castor oil to induce labor? I'm not recommending that. Well, I do, never heard that. And then my last skin thing is this Good Molecules Overnight Exfoliant. This is literally the best stuff I have ever used and it's like $7.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 3:

That's what I love, I love it.

Speaker 4:

So you put it on at night. You've got a lot of sites Now. I use it three times a week and I literally wake up in the morning and my skin is like super clear, wow yeah. And then I feel like I can't be without this. It's my L'Oreal Root Spray, because it's so white, so this makes this good to feel like dark green. All right.

Speaker 4:

So this is the bag that you will make sure always makes it onto the point yeah, now if I have more time, I would have put my cleanser in there, which is also Good Molecules Cleansing Bound, but I literally feel I could live my life and I could probably pass on this. But it's fine, you know, I don't know. I'm starting to find that, yeah.

Speaker 3:

I just say that every day, yeah, so like that is the Holy Grail, that's the hot bath Holy Grail, yeah as.

Speaker 4:

I said I didn't put in cleanser to take off my Hydro-Luminous, but I would use Good Molecules Cleansing Bound as well.

Speaker 2:

Do you want Double Cleans? What do you mean? Double Cleans, like I'll do, like there's a bomb way up here. I really love it. Like the oil, yeah, oil first. Oh yeah, give my makeup up, and then I do have like a foaming wash.

Speaker 3:

Are we supposed to do that? Because I do, I've got that. And then it's like I do love skin pseudocles. I mean that's just. But I mean I've got the oil, but then I've heard that you're supposed to do the oil and the cleanser and I just never got that. Do you just want to get your skin?

Speaker 2:

you know, cleansed really well. So do you think that the oil does? Does it?

Speaker 3:

do a good job, like taking off your makeup or it depends.

Speaker 2:

But I mean, obviously there's different qualities but I love. There's a zeo that I love, it's a bomb that I do first.

Speaker 1:

I don't wet.

Speaker 2:

Like I don't wipe my face at all. Right, right, right, I'll put the bomb on and I just feel like it breaks up my makeup and then, oh lovely, and it's. Your skin feels really soft, like when I get home. I'll do that and get rid of the makeup. If I wear makeup and then I do a foaming face wash because it's not enough, and then it makes my skin feel so good, I'll like do it again before I go to bed.

Speaker 3:

Okay, well, that's a good job, because I have heard that it's very nice. And then when I'm done, like, I'll do the foaming cleanser in the morning and I do that like the oil at night, so I need to get a good foaming cleanser.

Speaker 4:

I find them really drying on my skin.

Speaker 2:

So that we've got to really go in here and oxygenating. Oh, that's what I need. Yeah, I'll cook you a good, good, good, good, good good. Yes, I shall cook you a good slice. I'll do that, okay. All right, I came up with my finds. I love it, became up with my finds. Yay, I just got this, so it's called Guts.

Speaker 1:

I told her when it was goofed oh, I love this, oh, I love this, yeah, have you used this, not that one, but I love this. I love this.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and you can do it. I do it like just with my crown and kind of you know, it really gives you a lot of volume. Is it before you dry or after? Before you dry it. But if, like, you want to do like a little fluff up, you can do it and then just kind of blow dry it.

Speaker 5:

I like a dry. Your hair is dry, you can do it like that oh nice.

Speaker 2:

I really like this Redkin, yes, redkin, rootlifter Guts.

Speaker 4:

There used to be a gorgeous one called Halo Rootlifter as well, and that was magic. I don't know if they still sell that anymore, but that was the last Rootlifter.

Speaker 5:

I'll try that one. It was hard to get a.

Speaker 4:

Rootlifter yeah, I love this. Love Redkin too.

Speaker 5:

The next. They usually use it wet, but then you can use it dry for you too. Yeah, nice.

Speaker 2:

That's sad. It's your one. I did beauty all day long.

Speaker 5:

She said I did. I did all day long. So I'm trying two new things, but we'll see how they go. One is the red light, because everybody's talking about red light, so I researched what they need for the envy or whatever. There's different like penetration levels for your face, so I did the home right.

Speaker 5:

Yes, so I ordered the current body and I did. There's one that's the face and this sounds weird, but there's one for your neck actually. Oh yeah, I know I've seen that before. So your neck it comes down on your chest a little bit, so it's like for your neck and chest. So it's like 10 minutes. So you do that in the morning and then the zip halo, which is like a microcurrent, but it's kind of like a have you ever heard a new face? A little machine that's got the little two. It's kind of like that, but it's faster and you just do it across the fist to give you more like lift and define. So I will tell you how it goes, but I like the zip halo so far.

Speaker 4:

So the red light is there heat on us? No, nothing at all. No, nothing at all.

Speaker 2:

Have you? What's your? We have? We have, I mean, we've come in here with some of our procedure to esthetician us.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, there's some benefits to it, I mean my thing is like it's 10 minutes, so 10 minutes and then 10 minutes, so you do it at the same time and then this is only like four minutes, I think, each side, so it's kind of like easy.

Speaker 4:

It'd be like Joe Collins when you're 90,. Did anyone see her the other night? No, oh, my goodness, she was on the Emmys the other night. Really, she is 90 years of age. There is not a wrinkle on her face.

Speaker 2:

Well, did you see Dolly Parton? Oh yeah, Dolly.

Speaker 3:

No, I love Dolly.

Speaker 4:

I love Dolly too.

Speaker 2:

I love how she said if it's there, you'd nip it, tuck it inside. Yeah, I mean seriously.

Speaker 3:

We're going to plastic surgery. I agree, yeah, you're like, yes, she's always says it costs a lot of money to look that cheap, you know who else is going to know?

Speaker 5:

I just love her. I think she's amazing, priscilla Presley. Priscilla Presley, did you see her? I didn't see her. No, is she there? Yeah? She was on all the shows had her on with her granddaughter? Oh, because there were even more coming out as well. Wow, I was like wow, these people have done work, I'm sure.

Speaker 4:

But they look great. They look incredible. Carol Browne Ash was on as well. Well, I couldn't get over it with Joe Collins and Carol Browne at like. They're both 90. And they're like poker straight as they walk. Whatever, their faces look amazing. Yeah, the posture, but the posture like they were darting across the stage, oh, it was incredible, incredible. And heels I don't think Carol Burnett has heels on, but I'm sure Joe Collins did, but she didn't even have wrinkles down her neck and you could see. So how do you do it?

Speaker 5:

Yeah, is there like a neck lift or something that's?

Speaker 3:

what I want to ask you.

Speaker 5:

OK, so here's the. I have a lower face, so how come you see some people who are like that and they look amazing? And then you see some people and they look like a weird cat, like attack their face or something you don't mean, like they're puffy and they're like weird looking. I do you have people that look good? Yeah, like that. So what do you look for if you're someone who's middle ages and wants to look for surgery?

Speaker 2:

I would look, I would do multiple consults and I look for before afters from that particular surgeon.

Speaker 4:

Wow, I saw the other day. I'd never heard of this before. Scott got a new tattoo and they were all talking about this in the tattoo place. Is it back al, back al? Bugle fat pad? Bugle fat pad removal.

Speaker 2:

Wait what? Yeah, I'm not certain. I mean some people need that, but I think people overdo it because as you age, your face is going to get, but you're also going to start looking gone there Like I think that so.

Speaker 5:

is that because of lines like here, you're nasophabial folds? No, what's that have to do with then?

Speaker 2:

So you know that look of having like the hollow the long, but I'm not a huge fan of that one. I think it's overdone. I mean, there are some people I see that they have just a really pronounced bugle fat pad, yes, but I feel like it's done, like overdone.

Speaker 4:

I was looking at a whole bunch of before and afters and you could see some people were like my gosh, it actually worked. But they were like I know it's like jolly kind of beforehand, but then other people just didn't look better.

Speaker 2:

I was like, oh Well, because your deep fat pads, as you age, your atrophy, they can become thinner and so if in your, so your skin, is everything starting to come down, and then you take away the fat there, I mean there's I don't know. Like I said, there's some of it. I think it's good. I think that that became the one that drives me nuts in the office is, everyone comes in with Instagram or TikTok fads and it doesn't fit everyone, and so I think that that became a fad and so a lot of people have done it and some people.

Speaker 2:

I mean that's where you get a good surgeon, like our plastic surgeons in our group, and they'll tell you, no, but something they don't think they'd mess for you, which is amazing, which is, you know, I mean all the same thing with me with injectables. You know I'll send people away If I don't think that's the best thing, just because they saw it on TikTok, or if they. But I just say I mean I see people come in who have been wayward done somewhere else. That's all about to just Right.

Speaker 4:

Will you explain to people what you told us last week about, because I thought that was fascinating about what filler actually is and why people use filler. So I never talked about that this week.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I did Because I went out to show my mom all the fad, oh the fad, yeah, yeah, it's crazy, it's fascinating.

Speaker 3:

Because I think people fear these words and it dissolves.

Speaker 4:

If it's the right, yes, because if you haven't done that before, like I don't know, and we look at people and you go, oh, filler, I'll have to put it on.

Speaker 2:

I don't know what it is when I put up a picture of a fat bed. But when we age, three things happen. You have bone reabsorption. So, like as we hit menopause, we wear back in our hips such as women, but it's all of our bones.

Speaker 2:

So we think about the structure of our cheekbone and our jawline. So I always tell patients it's like a tent pole holding up a tent and you cut a couple inches off that, like, all of a sudden, things start to droop. So that's what happens with our main support structure and then our skin. We start losing about 1% of college production early on after our teens and so every year. And so you lose that. It's like a rubber band. You've stretched so much science that it resulted in a stretch back.

Speaker 2:

And then I was talking about the fat pads. Our deep, we are superficial fat pads. They'll drop, but our deeper ones actually atrophy and become thinner. And so with all that you start getting segmentation of your fat pads. So when you look in the mirror you know, and you're hitting 40s, 50s and beyond, you'll see the actual separations of the fat pads that you didn't see before. And so with filler you can strategically place that, pick the right filler, right patient, right placement, and you can just improve that without looking at the right type of pad. You should look at someone and say, oh, you've got filler there, you've got filler there, it's not done right. Then If you can look and tell where somebody's filler is best.

Speaker 5:

That's why you're the best. Thank you, yes. So what do you still see? Most of lips filler with lips.

Speaker 2:

I see a lot. I mean, really, mid face is my favorite place to do, because we start seeing problems in your eyes. You see that when we talk about like jowling and all kind of this is kind of where the problem starts. These are kind of symptoms. So I love that, that's my favorite. That's my favorite. And then I love doing lips too. I do lips like very gradual, gradual.

Speaker 3:

Artistically. You're looking so afraid of lips just because you see, like Donald.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 3:

Yeah, you don't see like the success stories, because they're seamless and they don't look like it, but at least for me I've always been terrible. I mean, I think everyone needs to do what they need to do, like you know, but lips and I mean I have like the littlest, like little lips, and I would love to. Well, two reasons why I always was worried, because that's what you see.

Speaker 1:

You see that stuff.

Speaker 3:

And then that they're uncomfortable when it's being injected. But I mean, I love that you do it right. Well, it is too.

Speaker 2:

I'll tell patients bringing a picture of someone's lips and it's not anything like their lips. So I'd like to be 5'7". That's not going to happen, you know. So you've got to work with your own anatomy. So I think that's. The other thing too is you know, people will bring a picture and someone will try to recreate those lips, but those aren't their lips.

Speaker 4:

Like, I want to take your anatomy and you know, work with what you have Work with what you have, yeah. But didn't you say last week that you've never had somebody stop because it's painful?

Speaker 2:

No, never, and I think that was news to us last week.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that's interesting so did we ask last week, I can't remember how long? Like so, when you do lips, like what's the start time to finish time? Like are we talking? Because, like both of us, I mean you'll be like 30 seconds, you're done in 30 seconds. So like for lips.

Speaker 2:

And I mean I take that's what I take, like that's the most tedious one I do. Yeah, that probably takes the most time because it's, you know, a lot of play on stick, stick, needle in and fill them up. You know I do a lot of strategic little placements, so it all depends on the lips. Like, if it's someone who I've already done and I'm not really, you know, working on structure of the lip, it's pretty quick but probably like 10 to 30 that is max, so not like a crazy amount of time to be uncomfortable.

Speaker 2:

No, I mean it's like said I've never had anyone in almost 20 years say stop, I can't handle it. But I also know I could tell if somebody is freaking out yeah, if they're super anxious and I'll say you know, wait till the excitement outweighs the anxiety, because if you're nervous it's going to hurt more. Of course Sure makes sense.

Speaker 4:

So if somebody came to you with their face and said to you I have this amount of money, I can only do one thing to make me look better, and I know everybody would be different. But like nine times out of 10, what are you going to aim for? What's the one thing that can make your face look completely different?

Speaker 2:

I'd say, if you've got a budget for one thing I mean again, everybody's different, but I think that when you're looking at someone, you're looking at their eyes and that can make just that little change and a brush to make you happy and relaxed versus tired and mad. Yeah, yeah, that makes sense it's so quick too, and it's in and out.

Speaker 5:

Can you look at people from before and after like celebrities and see what they've had done? Can you?

Speaker 2:

Oh, I can guess you guys always talk about celebrities. I don't really watch a lot of that. So I mean, if I do look at someone, actually I say that if they have someone good, I shouldn't be able to do that, of course, but if somebody's had something bad, then I can a lot of times tell or have a good idea of what they've done.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 3:

Isn't it just so crazy? Like, because you know I love reality TV and like some of these people, they do like, they have the, they have, you know, unlimited resources and they should have just whatever. And some of them are look it, looks the worst, like the worst, and I don't understand how that happens.

Speaker 2:

I think, well, maybe it's just over time.

Speaker 3:

Trisha, do you think like that's addictive?

Speaker 4:

to us.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I mean, I cut people off and I think that that's. That's the problem. I see, when I see people over done they, it makes me angry, because then people are scared of it, because you see that Right and and it's not. I don't think it's like ethical either, you know, just because I think that people can overdo it. Oh my gosh, yeah Makes sense.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, yeah. But you must see like with people as well. Oh, all the time, and they're so obsessed with their appearance but it's never good enough and I always kind of fear like if you start with one thing on your face, then you're going to see like problems of other things. Like where does it end? You start looking more. You start looking more.

Speaker 2:

I think once you've done one tribute and start looking people say, oh, you know, I have a new mole here and I'm like there's. You know, your injections didn't cause the mole here, it was in your previous video, but you're looking at. You're looking at yourself more so, but I think, like we all know, I'm kind of like I'm getting more and more obsessed with Taylor Swift and Travis Kelsey.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 2:

I think they're so adorable, but I look at them and I especially heard like I'm so funny about a picture being taken and you get your picture taken all the time too.

Speaker 1:

That was stressing me out.

Speaker 2:

But to just walk out of my house to go to the grocery store and have people take my picture, that would be, that would be so stressful, and so I would think, especially like with celebrities, they might get even more focused on their looks because, gosh, it's on show all the time, but then it creates like we were talking about, like, but then they overdo it and they've actually created.

Speaker 3:

what they were trying to avoid is to look bad in pictures, or you know, or whatever.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think we're more trend. I shouldn't say we are. I think the younger generation is more trend followers. So if something's on TikTok you know, I mean you can make something crazy really popular on TikTok, it's true. I feel like there's a lot of fads with looks that I see coming in more and more especially the younger people that, you know, maybe isn't the most pleasing of looks, but that just becomes a fad.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I think with them, though, as well. I think, as much as I hate like things like Snapchat and stuff and TikTok and stuff they've got, they're a bit better at being themselves than we would be. So, like, while they, you know, they will look at the pictures that they post and they'll, like make sure they look gorgeous in the pictures that they post, they've no problem like being regular on TikTok with their hair all over the place. So, like I thought, as I would never take, like I would never take selfie of myself and send it to people, like I was just never going to do that, yeah, but like they don't care about us.

Speaker 4:

You're right, they're like no, they actually don't care. She doesn't care Because like he's so weird.

Speaker 3:

It's so weird, it's the absolute extreme of both angles. Yeah, they always have to have that when they're in that moment. They have everything filtered, absolutely. But, then they do have the moments when they're sitting there on the couch. Yeah, oh my God, and they haven't taken a shower in three years. Yeah.

Speaker 4:

It's so true, like sorry, I was nearly losing my tweezers. Oh we can't do that, sorry.

Speaker 5:

I'm sorry, gosh, I'd be hairy, but I think we got your right, I'm just a little like your tweezers.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 5:

Tweezers are when. Let's call Scott my network.

Speaker 4:

That's why I'm right it's gosh, because he's like hairier than me. That's fine. Am I on hairier than me?

Speaker 5:

But I was going to say, from what you said, I feel like men well as much as women but men even more so are looking for especially middle age, like anti-aging treatments and things like that.

Speaker 2:

I have a huge amount of mail. I'm going to talk about that last week. Yeah, a huge amount of mail. They tell that because they're looking at themselves more on Zoom calls and such. So, they're noticing things, where we look in the mirror because we're doing our hair and they don't look in the mirror that much and tell them.

Speaker 4:

Well, I think finally, with men as well, they're starting to see like. So you look at TV and you see the likes of John Hamm and you look at Steve Carell and you're going okay, well, why do they look so good when they're 60? And I'm not. So I think it's finally that cycle is starting to happen for men too.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I think it's starting to happen and like, yeah, we always talk about how men in general age better than women do, and you know, it's just been like. I mean because, seriously, like I think a lot of men get a lot more handsome as they get older.

Speaker 4:

They do, they definitely do.

Speaker 5:

But they can get more handsome they can go either way.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, so you can go either way. That's true, it could. Yes, I just think it's fascinating. I think there's so many. It must be so frustrating for you as, doing what you do and have people, like you know, go to the wrong person and get the wrong things done and then to have such a negative connotation associated with it at times, and, as you were saying like, you look at people on the TV and you're going, oh God, they're so overdone. That's what happens if you get too much Botox. That's what I mean. I spent years. My dad looks at people on TV and go, oh, look at all the Botox she has. I'm like that's not Botox.

Speaker 2:

I know.

Speaker 4:

I know.

Speaker 5:

Well, that's the other thing we talked about last week too is people on dating sites. Yeah, like even older dating sites and they'll go to meet the person and they're in the restaurant and swear that person isn't there, and then they see them and they're like whoa, wait a minute, I believe it.

Speaker 3:

What happened? It's like it's the biggest lie that you're going to get caught in.

Speaker 5:

Oh, sorry. Yeah, I thought you meant the dating. Well, even though older people dating online, that's the big thing. Yeah, I'm posting a picture of you that's like 20, 30, 40 years younger. Yeah, I was like crazy. I did take like crazy filters.

Speaker 3:

I agree with Lisa's strategy of making yourself look really bad, so I can do like a little bit of a quantum bonus, and you're like, wow, I just hit the lottery.

Speaker 5:

Exactly. I'm curious to see if they have to walk out.

Speaker 4:

Yes, Will you marry me? Well, you also know that they're not after you because it's superficial.

Speaker 2:

And that's that's true. You don't look like.

Speaker 4:

No, I would definitely be doing this.

Speaker 2:

That's why I love that show we talked about.

Speaker 5:

What was? The love is mine, yeah. Love is mine yeah, it's none of them last. I was going to say, did they last?

Speaker 4:

though no very few. There's a few lasted, but yeah, it's just crazy. It is crazy. It's a crazy world, I know it is. I do like, though, that people are being more honest, yes, and more honest about the work that they've had done, so this other people aren't striving For us.

Speaker 2:

Yes, definitely less taboo. Oh, and I think you have a lot of men now because their wives bring them in, because they're tired of sneaking it, so they should get them hooked on it too. I have a lot of dates now where it's husband and wife come in.

Speaker 3:

I think it's amazing. No, I think it's amazing.

Speaker 4:

Scott said he was going to come in too. He'll kill me, never say much, though.

Speaker 5:

We're going to do before and after. I was live, don't be ridiculous.

Speaker 4:

I thought of another fun segment.

Speaker 2:

I lost my list, but it was a would you rather? So there, I read two of them today. I thought it was like an interesting thought. So the first one was would you rather be able to see 10 minutes into the future, or 150 years in the future? Oh, 150. You're going to be dead, exactly yeah, but then no.

Speaker 5:

To be honest.

Speaker 2:

I don't know if I would want to do either one I'd want to like.

Speaker 4:

Or do you have to pick one by a lottery ticket and do 10?

Speaker 3:

minutes before maybe. Yeah, there's that, yeah, other way and like you have to pick one. I would say for me oh, I don't think I could. I see this.

Speaker 5:

I call it just to mean things like I can go back then and redo or undo, but then you can, it's there, it changes everything.

Speaker 3:

So I don't defend that person that's like I don't know if I would want to do either one, If you could change it on or change it.

Speaker 5:

But see, I don't, I wouldn't want to change.

Speaker 3:

Because if you change one thing in your past, then it affects everything else. It could be one minor thing to domino effect. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

You pick another class in high school instead.

Speaker 3:

Of that class and then it changes yeah. I guess I'm thinking about you know family people.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, I've been great, great, great kids or something.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I don't like surprises. I probably want to know when I'm going to die. I hate surprises.

Speaker 4:

You went yeah, yeah, yeah, I really, yeah. I don't want to surprise Gosh, I would want to know that. Well, it talks to an idiot. I can never be able to tell that this is true.

Speaker 5:

When we do that, we're going to ask. I don't want to hear that I was told I was told I only had one that told me Really.

Speaker 4:

Mid-70s, mid-70s, I was told by a lady who read my palm that I was going to have dementia. So I was going to. Yeah, but I was going to have. It would be a brain thing with me. It's horrible.

Speaker 2:

It's horrible, gosh, I don't want to do that anymore.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, I don't want to know that.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I don't want to know this thing I don't want to. I don't want to. I'm not going to do that, okay.

Speaker 2:

I lose my car keys five times a day, so I think I'm going to already hit that in the early morning.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, wow, she was actually really good because she told me I was going to have four kids. Well, I was only 17 when she no, I was older, I was 22. Oh, wow, no, I was only about 20. And she told me I was going to have four kids.

Speaker 5:

And had dementia.

Speaker 3:

That's good what I did, I did, I did.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 4:

Yeah, she read my palm.

Speaker 3:

Interesting Well, and I know that we'll talk about that later on in the season, but I do think there's you know there's some that are wackadoodles.

Speaker 4:

Of course I know these other people are, but there are others that that's their gift, just like anyone else has a gift Interesting.

Speaker 3:

So when you get someone that's knows, and you can be a dreamer, Okay another one.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so I think I'm saying these words right. I still can't get monastery.

Speaker 4:

That's it right. Monastery, monastery, monastery, yeah, if you don't think about the spelling of it Monastery, yeah, monastery.

Speaker 2:

So would you rather if you got one gift? Would you rather be to be telekinetic, where you can move things with your mind, or telepathic, where you can know what people are thinking?

Speaker 4:

Oh, telekinetic, I think I would move all the stuff to the launcher. Same Telekinetic, yeah, I think she would want to be.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I don't want to be telepathic, no.

Speaker 5:

No, that would not be good for you. I would not want to know.

Speaker 3:

I don't know, I actually really would, don't I, I think?

Speaker 2:

yeah, not. So See, I am telepathic with Ashley because you just look at her and you know.

Speaker 3:

Not to like, not to engage in nonsense, but what to know to stay away from. Like if you meet somebody and you know. However, would that make the other person telepathic, or is it only like? That gift is only for you, it's on your face?

Speaker 5:

It's like that. I don't need your mind. I know what's the other one, what, what women want, or whatever, when he could just like read women's minds or whatever.

Speaker 3:

It would just be what I could use to just stay away from people that I don't want to engage with. I would like to be telepathic. I mean, I think, though, with family, like people might think things from time to time that aren't really you know what I mean, like things that come into you don't, but you would know that if you were, if you could read.

Speaker 5:

But would you want to know that?

Speaker 4:

I would not want to know, I want to know.

Speaker 5:

Like if your kids are so mad at you and like they're just like I'm never talking to her again. I don't know, I'm just like, yeah, but it's like that, yeah. I would yeah, yeah, because then it stays with you and it's like it was just like a fleeting thought, that's like gone. Yeah, like you become I don't know, like when a self-harm is things like that. It's just like it's there and then you don't think about it anymore. But if that person saw that, they would think about it all the time.

Speaker 2:

So it makes sense Like all right. I don't think we'll just not be able to see things or move things. I don't know, I don't know, I don't know.

Speaker 5:

I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, hey laundry, yeah, like magic wine Laundry here, yes, One bottle here.

Speaker 4:

Yes, groceries.

Speaker 3:

I would like to be able to control the weather. Same Me too, now that one and fly. We would be fine on each other right now.

Speaker 1:

Yes, that is so true.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, you don't be freaking crazy.

Speaker 3:

I'm like no, you would gain up on you, you would gain up on me, I would just push that air.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 4:

Nine months of each in the air. No, I only get three.

Speaker 5:

As I call my son in Miami, he's like yeah, there's actually an eight and a one somewhere in our like, whether today we have a one minute eight. Yes, but yours is the eight one, yeah.

Speaker 4:

I don't think it's been this cold since I moved here. No, it's really good. This was really bad Last December.

Speaker 3:

Last December was bad too. What would you do?

Speaker 4:

then, so a lot of teens.

Speaker 5:

I think it's because that's when our pipes first. Yeah, a lot of people had their pipes first then I think it was maybe about the same, but it was like a little bit longer. But yeah, I, always a lot of people had their pipes first.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I do not remember that. I thought this was the coldest ever. My poor parents are you still here? And they're like my dad is like my nose was burning today. When I took a breath in I was like, well, you're not dressed for us. Yeah, yeah, it was lovely, kind of.

Speaker 2:

Miami. You didn't think another fun thing would be. So remember our one of our favorite guests from last for season one, tracy Andreessen. You know she did. I thought it was really cute. She does like a weekly kind of broadcast for her practice but she had her husband and another guy on talking about like what men like always wonder if it like are too afraid to ask or whatever.

Speaker 3:

I thought it kind of fun I would love that Her misconception, and then she's fine, we have Dr Pam here that can help us navigate.

Speaker 5:

Yes, I can mediate, so we'll just sit there and say Mediate and say okay, I'll tell you, I'll tell you, I'll tell you.

Speaker 3:

Yes, exactly I would have to jump in. I mean, I do think that it's just what is it that men are for Mars or men are for Venus? Oh yeah, definitely, definitely. Women and men can stick my first, so long.

Speaker 2:

I would love Ashley to be an intern in your office.

Speaker 3:

Oh my God, can you keep it? A message I don't know.

Speaker 5:

Ashley should come in as a client for what my interns will be like. I did not get awarded. Oh my God, it was awesome she just talked about it.

Speaker 3:

I want to know everything, absolutely. I'll tell you exactly what you need to do to read me.

Speaker 2:

No, I just can't imagine a couple coming in or someone coming in and Ashley happened to just sit there with a neutral face. That would never happen. No, oh yeah, poker face. Oh, I see, I see, I see, I see, I see.

Speaker 3:

I see, I see I see I see.

Speaker 3:

Oh my God, we can else come in without a correction. Mhm, not to be as negative with each other in the first three seconds, no, oh yeah, poker face. Oh, I do not have one. I just why I do not sample at all neighbourhood liberty об, because I mean seriously the first three seconds, although, it usually lasts a lot longer than that that you can. I mean my girls at the store Laugh all the time at me when we might have someone that come in and it's just, I'm just rolling, I know.

Speaker 5:

I love that idea, though. I think that's good.

Speaker 4:

I think it would be amazing we could get questions from our male listeners too. That's a good idea.

Speaker 2:

Can you mail them out?

Speaker 3:

We're coming for you Because we do have great male listeners.

Speaker 4:

We do. We sent topics that they'd like us to discuss as well. That'd be super cool.

Speaker 5:

Topics for the year. What kind of guests do you want to see?

Speaker 3:

We're an open book.

Speaker 2:

We're excited for season two. I think it's been a lot of fun. We need people to send us topics, questions. We love having ideas. I think it's cool that, even though we're middle ages and we're middle age women, we've got young and old and male and female, everything in between.

Speaker 3:

I think it's cool that we've got a range of listeners. We're great for another season.

Speaker 1:

It's amazing.

Speaker 3:

Awesome Cheers.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 1:

We love you. Also, if you have a moment to leave a review rate and subscribe, that helps others find this show. We greatly appreciate it. Once again, thank you so much for joining us. We'll catch you in the next episode. And we'll catch you in the next episode of the Middle-Age-ish podcast.

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